Every born again believer in Christ also contain characteristics of the Holy Spirit. Are the fruits of the Spirit in your life?
Inspirations (07-2018)
Today’s Inspiration (07/30/2018)
Everyone that is gifted with the gifts of the Spirit is also a person that is baptized by the Holy Ghost.
Today’s Inspiration (07/29/2018)
Only those that are born again in the water and the Spirit will enter the kingdom of God. Are the fruits of the Spirit in you?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/28/2018)
God’s wisdom is better than anything we could ever experience in life. It is refreshing in every way possible.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/28/2018)
The end of our foolishness comes when we humble ourselves before God and receive Him. This is where we find wisdom in the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (07/27/2018)
There is no one like our God. The Lord is so good to us. Seek Him and you shall also find joy abundant.
Today’s Inspiration (07/26/2018)
Come and worship the Lord. Sing praises to Jesus, the King of glory. He is worthy!
Today’s Inspiration (07/25/2018)
There are many people that seem religious but inwardly they are following another gospel. Read the Bible and do not be deceived.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/24/2018)
There are some that say the Book of Mormon is the Word of God but that is false. That is a lie. The Bible alone is God’s Word.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/24/2018)
The Bible is the only Word of God. God’s words are pure and holy. Do not let others lead you astray into believing differently.
Today’s Inspiration (07/23/2018)
For every sin that we commit, we ought to repent and come to God about it. We pray that we may not do the same thing again.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/22/2018)
What does it matter if you know the Bible and not live by God’s Word? It means nothing if you are not changed to live differently.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/22/2018)
I challenge everyone to dive deeper into the Bible than ever before and to develop a relationship with the Lord in prayer.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/16/2018)
Once saved always saved? Think again. This doctrine is of man. You cannot walk away from God and die without punishment.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/16/2018)
Christians can lose their salvation. If you willfully sin after believing in Jesus, and then die, you are cut off from God’s grace.
Today’s Inspiration (07/15/2018)
Giving your life to Christ is the beginning of your faith. Don’t stop there but repent often and trust in Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/14/2018)
In Marriage, it is so important that you have a foundation of Christ. Your love will grow with God in your lives.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/14/2018)
There is nobody that we can trust in, in order to go to heaven, but Jesus Christ alone. Believe in the Lord Jesus for salvation and your destiny is secure.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/13/2018)
If you are willfully committing sin with no means to repent, then you are not in line with God and are not saved.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/13/2018)
There are a couple of things that will keep a person out of heaven. Unbelief in Jesus Christ and willful sin without repentance.
Today’s Inspiration (07/12/2018)
Do not involve yourself with Wicca or any form of witchcraft. This is an abomination to God. To mix with this is a ticket to hell.
Today’s Inspiration (07/11/2018)
As Jesus accepted worship, it is good for us to worship Him also. Cry out and praise the Lord, this day.
Today’s Inspiration (07/10/2018)
The Bible is the Word of God. And when I say is, I mean the whole thing. God’s words are pure and holy.
Today’s Inspiration (07/09/2018)
The Lord God leads us to the truth and gives us freedom. Those that are open to Him will be forgiven and find answers.
Today’s Inspiration (07/08/2018)
God is able to work in a person’s life when they are humble. When we are open to His counsel, that is when true change occurs.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/07/2018)
As Jesus has freely forgiven all my sins and shown me mercy, I am happy to forgive others and show them mercy. His love compels me.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/07/2018)
What will make an impact in this life is when people stop judging one another, but instead love others like Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (07/06/2018)
If you think that believing in Jesus, without a life change, is for salvation, then you must not be reading the Bible.
Today’s Inspiration (07/05/2018)
Jesus, the Messiah, has come into this world to save us all from our sins. Believe in Him and endure in your faith for salvation.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/04/2018)
What are you doing in masturbation? Your thoughts are most likely thinking of a woman or man inappropriately or you have just looked at or are looking at porn in the moment of that act....
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