The Seventh Angel And The Little Book
What we are given from God is sweet like honey. His words are in the Bible and lead us to know and do His will on earth.
What we are given from God is sweet like honey. His words are in the Bible and lead us to know and do His will on earth.
When the sixth angel blows his trumpet, war is about to break out. Four angels will be loosed and will kill a third of the people.
God will seal a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews during the great tribulation. He will also be with them and protect them.
The moment people hear angels blow their trumpets, they will know that great devastation will be poured out upon the earth soon.
Much destruction will be poured upon the earth during the great tribulation. But thank God His followers will be raptured up.
Your prayers are very important to God. Especially sincere and heartfelt prayers. Keep seeking Jesus and you will be safe.
One day God’s people will be raptured up with Christ. Then will they be given white robes and sing praises to the Lamb who saves.
During the tribulation, the elect of God will be raptured up to be with Christ. They are saved, while the wicked are destroyed.
Those who love Jesus will be ready for His return. It is the wicked that will be looking for ways to hide from His wrath to come.
One day every person who has died for their faith in Jesus will receive white robes and rest for a reason, until Christ’s return.
During the times that the different seals are opened by the hand of Jesus, a great calamity will take place upon the earth.
Jesus is worthy to redeem all people, tongues, and nations. He is the Lamb of God, who died to take away the sins of the world.
The Father is called the Ancient of Days, where Jesus is called the Son of Man or the Lamb of God. He died that we might live.
If your faith is dead, then there is a great need to repent. Confess your sins and you will be made a live in Christ.
God has something to say to those who live under the Jezebel Spirit, which is fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and porn.
Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. He is our God, of which died for our sins and then rose from the grave.
The ungodly will be destroyed on the day of the Lord Jesus’s second coming. Therefore, stay strong in the faith, praying often.
God’s church has never been racist, therefore, any church that starts out this way is false in every way.
The trinity doctrine is in the book of Mormon, but the Mormon church denies this and instead teaches their own man-made godhead doctrine instead.
A false restoration was made in the Mormon Church. Nothing in the original church was restored but man-made teachings.
When people follow Jesus, they also love what He loves and hates what He hates. We don’t hate people but sin.
Baptisms for the dead in Mormonism is easily proven false if one reads and studies the Bible. God’s speaks against this evil practice.
If anyone copies and pastes from the Bible into their own book and says it was original in their book, this is total plagiarism.
Walk after the commandments of God, not the doctrines of men. Many deceivers are in the world now, so we need to be on our toes.
We believe in the holy trinity. That God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three person’s in one God.
Nobody is ordained to the priesthood in Christ’s church. Jesus is our high priest and we are under His authority.
False prophets speak by way of evil spirits, not by way of God. You can know this by way of the Holy Spirit in us.
The only way we cannot sin is if we abide in Jesus. When we do not do this, sin abounds in us and we do not know Him.
Praise be to God for every person who has ever lived and died firmly in their faith in Jesus.
If you have fallen into sin, don’t justify it but come to the Lord in prayer. Confess your sins and God’s mercy is for you.