Earnest Prayers To God
In your prayers and worship, acknowledge that the Lord is all powerful. He surely is mighty and can do all things for our lives.
In your prayers and worship, acknowledge that the Lord is all powerful. He surely is mighty and can do all things for our lives.
We learn from Psalms that praise is the way of a Christian believer. We no longer sit with our beliefs and do nothing.
Many false teachings can come into a church, when new “so-called” revelation begins to override what the Bible teaches.
We would not be alive if God had not created us and given us life. Every day that we live, we ought to thank the Lord.
Because the Lord knows us and loves us so much, He also has prepared a way for us to find true happiness. Those that discover the Lord, are healed from all their sins.
The Lord is the giver of all things good. His love is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He has offered me and you His living water, that we may not thirst.
I know that You are Lord and “good to all.” Your “tender mercies are over all” thy works. Your ways speak loudly of Your compassion for us all.
With the Lord on our side, we become valiant fighters for His kingdom. We understand that the Lord knows us well and is able to see through our weaknesses and give us strengths.
Pray this hour and cry out to God. Stretch forth your hands to heaven and say, “my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land.”
As she was telling us her story, I knew that the Lord could help her. As these thoughts came into my mind, Chris asked if we could pray with her, which she accepted.
I am with David, in that the Lord is my refuge also. He is my strength. When I am in trouble, I can always come to God and find peace.
Those whose hearts are closed off to God’s will, in their life, are on a slippery slope to hell. Unless they open their hearts to God, they will surely die in their sins.
As I prayed to God, my flesh kept telling me that I was not worthy. How could God forgive someone such as I? I would tell myself.
Those that love the world over the things of God are so lost. Just saying we believe in Christ is not enough.
After our hearts are cleansed and washed clean, it is not a time to back down. This prayer that you made was a great experience and is the first steps to being led by Christ.
If you are in the faith and are living for God, then you can see His mercy and kindness for your life.
What happened next to David was amazing. After they were caught up with God and remembered Zion, they hung their harps on a willow tree.
The last half of this chapter helps us remember what the Lord has done for us. Speaking of the Lord Jesus, “who remembered us in our low estate”.
Lift your hands high and worship the Lord. Sing out in joyous praises to Jesus, our Savior. Allow your love to come out.
How can somebody believe in their heart that they are saved, when they are acting out against God. Often people have other things that give them comfort and joy.
To those that are ready now, to give thanks to God, join in with me and rejoice in our King. “Lift up your hands”, “and bless the Lord.”
Those in the faith come together in fellowship, one with another, for this is church. We are all the members of Christ.
Too many so-called Christians have died and gone to hell because they thought their own good works would save them.
We are saved by grace, through faith, and not of our own good works, “lest any man should boast.” It is so important that we humble ourselves before God.
Let the Lord convict you of your sins. Cry unto God and ask for forgiveness. May these desires lead you to pray often and seek God’s hand in your life.
After Jesus’s mother and Mary Magdalene went their way to bring word of the resurrection of Jesus to His disciples, Jesus appeared in their midst.