Halloween Is Evil

The scary ghost, goblin, Satan, and witch costumes are simply inviting Satan and his demons into people’s lives. I implore to everyone to not go out on Halloween.

Love Your Enemies

The same love that God has shown to us leads us to forgive one another. Jesus has taught that he shows mercy upon us as we have mercy upon others.

Less Judging And More Loving

Think of the joy you would be able to feel if sin wasn’t tearing you down. It is the weight of our sins that burden us.

Come And Be Fed

God has spoken to my mind that I might see His glorious presence. I gave the Lord free access to my heart and have not looked back.

I Call Upon God, Who Saves

God’s ways are good. He is the meaning of all good things. The Father’s great love changes lives. What the Lord offers, people would run for, if they truly knew the meaning.

Friday Night Evangelizing

I continued down 8th and Main, and started preaching on Matthew, chapter 4. I declared, Jesus said “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Utah Mission Trip (10/15/17)

After shaking hands with so many Mormons, we told them that we had a few questions about what was shared in class and they gladly answered them.

Utah Mission Trip (10/14/17)

This night, something amazing happened that has never happened before. Two different people wanted additional gospel tracts to pass out to others.

Utah Mission Trip (10/13/17)

By the public train, we split up and started sharing the gospel with those that would listen. There I met this wonderful man.

Utah Mission Trip (10/12/17)

While talking with this man, Patrick brought up the fact that during the crucifixion of Jesus, the veil of the temple was ripped in half.

Prayer For Mine Enemies

Don’t worry about those that rise up against you. There are enemies against the faith of God but even they can be saved.

Thou Lovest Evil More Than Good

God loves the humble for they are open to receive Him. God’s counsel is taken with thanks. They are open to see the wickedness in their hearts.

Passing Out Bibles To Everyone

After we left this neighborhood, Patrick, Jaron and I, all went downtown to continue passing out the “Gospel of John” booklets.

Living For The Will Of The Father

What you’ve once done for the Lord will mean nothing, if you are now living in habitual sin. You can’t say, Lord, but what about the mission trip I did 2 years ago.

Repent And Heed The Words Of God

The Lord God knows who loves or hates His words. Most people would rather walk in the ways of the world then change their ways.

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