Repent And Bow Down Before God

It is true that each of us have a choice to believe in and follow Jesus. However, one way or another, all will, one day, “bow down before him”.

Judgement For The Wicked

One day soon, the wicked will tremble before the Lord in judgement. They may not be so keen to is judgements now but after death they will have no choice but to surrender to Him.

Utah Mission Trip (10/15/17)

After shaking hands with so many Mormons, we told them that we had a few questions about what was shared in class and they gladly answered them.

Utah Mission Trip (10/13/17)

By the public train, we split up and started sharing the gospel with those that would listen. There I met this wonderful man.

Thou Lovest Evil More Than Good

God loves the humble for they are open to receive Him. God’s counsel is taken with thanks. They are open to see the wickedness in their hearts.

Heaven Or Hell Awaits

There will be a day when everyone will be judged before the Lord, Jesus Christ. He can see the person we are today and the person we can become.

Judgement Is Coming

Let us now review our own lives before God. If you died today, would you be ready to meet Jesus in judgement?

Fallen Into Sin? Repent!

We know that habitual sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God. However, this doesn’t mean we won’t ever sin.

Two Types Of People

The wrath of God is upon everyone that doesn’t fear Him. How severe a punishment will a person receive in judgement if they were found disrespecting God in this life.

Saved From Death Into Life

The next day, I turned on a Christian radio station and the song lifesong, by Casting Crowns, was playing. In this moment, an incredible feeling of peace came over me.

Depart From Evil, And Do Good

Know that God can see our hearts. He knows our true desires by how we live our lives. If our passion isn’t to serve Him, He knows.


How deep are the sins of the world we live in today. Technology is wonderful for many different reasons but also very destructive in the lives of millions.

Judge Me, Oh Lord

If you have not given your life to Jesus than do it today. We must be washed clean through the blood of Jesus to be welcome in heaven.

Not Ashamed To Serve God

Our God is so merciful to save us. He does not delight in our wickedness and for this He desires to break every chain of addiction. To all that believe in Him are not ashamed.

Do The Will Of The Father

What matters is our relationship with Jesus. We can work all we want to but if He isn’t in our hearts than it is all for not.

Our Reward After Death

If your heart isn’t for God then you are against Him. It is a terrible thing to be on the opposite side of God in judgement.

David’s Prophesy Of The Son Of Man

This prophecy of Jesus coming down in the flesh is essential to our salvation. It is so important that we understand the importance of His life and death on the cross.

Confession Is Necessary

If you have recently done something wrong against a person you love then tell them what you’ve done immediately and request their forgiveness.

No More Sorrow In Heaven

Before my dying breath, I hope and pray that Jesus will use me to deliver His words to as many people as possible. I want all the world to know that Jesus saves.

Overcomers In Christ Jesus

The overcomers in Christ Jesus are richly blessed. These are they that were evil sinners but were washed clean through the Lamb of God.

God’s Faithful Are Forever Blessed

We are precious before the Lord. Our lives we lead are meaningful before Him. He knows how hard life can be and for this He delivers peace to our hearts.

Praises To The King

I feel so joyful with the Lord on my side. I feel His love all around me. My heart is filled with so much happiness.

Hold Fast In The Lord and Repent

I pray that you put on the armor of God. That Jesus can be your shield in time of need. If you are waging a war over sin, turn from your evil ways.

Flee Sexual Immorality

When Jesus speaks about Sexual Immorality He speaks as one holding a “sharp two-edged sword”. The wrath of God is laid up for those living this sinful lifestyle.

Those In Heaven And Hell

Jesus is the way to heaven. Living a life for ourselves and not Him will lead us to hell if we don’t turn to Him and repent.

Added To The Bible

Comparing the KJV and JST translations, seven was removed and twelve was replaced. Also, seven Spirits of God was removed and twelve servants was replaced.

Do Not Add To The Bible

Do not accept another gospel even if an angel preaches it. Do not listen to those that preach another Jesus outside the Bible.

Live To Follow God’s Commandments

The faith of a Christian cannot be replaced. It is part of who they are. Nobody has to force them to serve others. They are ready and willing to do what the Lord has for them.

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