Repent And Bow Down Before God

It is true that each of us have a choice to believe in and follow Jesus. However, one way or another, all will, one day, “bow down before him”.

Are You Ready To Die?

It is a very sad day when a family member or friend passes away, that didn’t believe in God for salvation.

Pray And Give Thanks

If God has come to your rescue, then rejoice. Give Him thanks. Don’t just pray and receive but pray and give thanks. Give praise to the one who saves.

The Presence Of The Holy Spirit

The times that I am far from God are the times that I am in sin or not reading God’s Word. It is always one or the other.

Church Is The Body Of Christ

Don’t be a phony but a warrior for Christ. When all your friends are going out drinking and invite you to tag along, just say no.

The Lord Gives Us A New Heart

You may have once had faith in God but since backslidden and gone after your own ways. In all this, your life is not over yet.

In Humility, Pray To God

Commune with the Lord, anytime of the day, in prayer. It isn’t about numbers. God is always waiting for us to find rest in His presence.

Come To Jesus And Rejoice

When you give your life to Jesus, it is the most amazing thing ever. Your mind becomes invigorated in the Spirit.

Live For God And Praise Him

My soul rejoiceth, for I am no longer dead but alive in Christ the Lord. I give Him all my praise and worship for I am saved.

Judgement For The Wicked

One day soon, the wicked will tremble before the Lord in judgement. They may not be so keen to is judgements now but after death they will have no choice but to surrender to Him.

Jesus Offers Living Waters

The Lord is my light and my high tower. I have been rescued from darkness into light. I was once blind but I can now see.

Trust In God Over Man

Because of the vast amount of churches, now a days, check their doctrines and teachings with the Bible.

Commune With God In Prayer

Come and be fed by the King of Glory. In any time or place in your life, give your heart to God in prayer. Just open your mouth and speak from your heart.

Halloween Is Evil

The scary ghost, goblin, Satan, and witch costumes are simply inviting Satan and his demons into people’s lives. I implore to everyone to not go out on Halloween.

Love Your Enemies

The same love that God has shown to us leads us to forgive one another. Jesus has taught that he shows mercy upon us as we have mercy upon others.

Less Judging And More Loving

Think of the joy you would be able to feel if sin wasn’t tearing you down. It is the weight of our sins that burden us.

Come And Be Fed

God has spoken to my mind that I might see His glorious presence. I gave the Lord free access to my heart and have not looked back.

I Call Upon God, Who Saves

God’s ways are good. He is the meaning of all good things. The Father’s great love changes lives. What the Lord offers, people would run for, if they truly knew the meaning.

Friday Night Evangelizing

I continued down 8th and Main, and started preaching on Matthew, chapter 4. I declared, Jesus said “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Utah Mission Trip (10/15/17)

After shaking hands with so many Mormons, we told them that we had a few questions about what was shared in class and they gladly answered them.

Utah Mission Trip (10/14/17)

This night, something amazing happened that has never happened before. Two different people wanted additional gospel tracts to pass out to others.