Oh Lord, I pray for the salvation of the Mormon people. I know that not all of them can come out of their cult and be saved, but some are still able to. I have talked with some great people who are Mormons that are truly searching for the truth. For them, addressing their false teachings comes easy, for they are ready to unlearn the lies and learn what is true instead. Many people are sick and tired of being led astray by people on earth, when You are the one who should be leading them. God, how is it that these People’s hearts are so hardened to Your truth? It has been a real chore to speak the truth to the LDS Missionaries at large. They may wonder why I am contacting them, but I do it for You, Jesus. If I could lead at least one of them out of it and to You, then it would be amazing. However, I know that what I am doing is giving these false witnesses a stern warning when it comes to their false teachings, so I can say that it is a win win. I am hoping to have You save them from the fire, but they must desire to come out of it first. I love You, Jesus. Help me reach these lost people with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (09/05/2022)
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