Oh lord, I pray that people will learn from the fall of Satan and not also be elevated in stature like he was. Surely, pride can get in the way of us following in Your footsteps, and instead follow what is evil instead. We cannot do anything in this life that is worthwhile without Your holy presence in our lives. Without You, we are only walking in darkness and don’t even know it. In doing this, we only have a cloak over our eyes to see things in this world and find pleasure in it for a time, but without Your love and peace, there is always guilt and shame that comes along with these things. Therefore, we cannot find true happiness by filling our lives with more junk that that the world wants to throw at us. These things are only temporary and are setting us back from following You entirely, of Lord. So help us not get caught up in the pleasures of this life, but what You have to offer us. This is when true satisfaction comes and we can now experience what it means to be joyful. While in the world, we can trick our minds into thinking that our earthly riches or treasures will make us happier, but when it is all set and done, the sting of death will still come our way. Then, will we have to face You in judgement and our many sins will be before us. So Lord, help people understand that they cannot take their belongs in death. Only what Your blessing will we take with us. So no earthly treasures can match the things that You can do in our lives. I am so much happier when I am led to pray over somebody, pay for someone’s drink, food or clothing, and witnessing the gospel to others. This is when joy comes and I cannot get enough of it. Your blessings do come when we serve only You, Lord. I love Your ways and want more of You in my life. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (10/14/2019)
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