
Evangelize: Downtown Boise, Planting Seeds

It was amazing to witness about Jesus tonight. Our prayers were that people would receive His gospel tracts and that seeds would be planted. And God surely did just that tonight. Many hearts were opened to His message. I am in awe that God could use me for His efforts. Tonight I handed out a many tracts on “God Loves You” and “Eternal Life Is A Free Gift”. Just saying those words got people interested. As I handed them out, I’d say, “God loves you”, and many people were interested and accepted the tract. One lady, pulled me aside and asked me why I was doing this. My response was that I wanted everyone to know about Jesus. He changed my life and I know He can do the same for you as well. She told me thank you and left. I was then able to speak to a group of kids. Many of them had their own different beliefs but when I spoke about Jesus they gave me there attention. I explained that Jesus is the way to heaven. One of them said that living a good life is what He desired. My response was, Jesus asks us to live good lives for Him. Doing good is of God. I encouraged them to seek the Lord for only in Him is eternal life. One lady had a Bible at home so I asked her to open it up and read. That the words are alive and will speak to her heart. In prayer, God will give her the counsel she needs to know where to go in life. It was amazing to talk with them and I know seeds were planted in their hearts this night. Everlasting life is their promise if they put their trust in God. I thank the Lord for allowing me to share so many good things about Him with them.

As our night continued, many people were prayed over. One man needed prayers for his wife that had cancer and himself who was sick. And after reading psalms with Him, Kevin and I prayed for healing. He asked that God would comfort His heart. Another gentlemen was looking at us as he walked down the sidewalk so we approached him and started sharing the gospel with him. He appeared interested in what we were saying as his attention was given to us. We talked about Jesus and told him that He is the only way to heaven. That there is heaven and hell and those that believe in Him are saved. He said He believed in God but hadn’t fully accepted him in his life yet. We encouraged him to make that step. Though he didn’t do that with us, he was very open to the message on Christ. We asked if he had a Bible and he said yes. So we encouraged him to start reading from the gospel of Matthew, so that he can hear Jesus’s words to begin with. Then others books would make better sense. As we left, he told us how grateful it was to speak with us. We exchanged names and I just got this wonderful feeling that He would start reading the Bible and seek the Lord. Thank You Lord for using us this night to share Your message of hope. These tracts went out like hot cakes tonight and I pray that many of them read them. That they can come to a knowledge of You. That they may repent and follow You. Thank You for opening so many hearts to Your message. Many seeds were planted and it is all because of You. It was a pleasure to serve You, my King. I love You.

Galatians 6:6-10 (KJV)
6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

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