This night was so amazing. We prayed that lives would be changed and brought into God’s love. That hearts would be open and we were led to so many willing to listen about Jesus. We were brought to those that were going through difficult times and God put His words in our mouths. We were privileged to talk with these two young women who had a brother going through many trials in his life. Though she didn’t want prayer, at the moment, we told her we would remember him in our prayers. That Jesus could break the chains of addiction in his life if he let Him in. That Jesus would accept Him if he turned to Him in repentance. We left her a message called “Refuge In the Storms“, and encouraged her to share it with her brother. As we walked a little further we met this man on a street corner. We told him we were discussing Jesus with people and he was very open to it. So we discussed the gospel message of Jesus Christ and asked if he needed prayers. He wished that he would have the funds he needs for his son and that his son would grow up and live a fruitful life. So after discussing the gospel message with him we prayed. We asked that God would help supply his needs and that he would be able to care for his son. That his son would be watched over and be led in the ways of God. That he would have the health and strength he needs to grow up strong. After the prayer, we gave him the same message to read. He was very grateful to receive it and said thank you. There were others, as we walked, that accepted the message of Jesus and received devotional cards on Him.
As we continued to walk, we found a man on the side of the street, being prayed over by another group of believers. It was great to see other Christians sharing the love of Jesus with people. After they left, we talked to the man. Chase asked him if he could help him find a job. For he had fallen under hard times and needed a job to get back on his two feet. While we were talking with him I asked if he knew about Jesus. He said that He was God and came to earth to die for our sins. I asked him if he knew what it means for us to accept His sacrifice on the cross. He said we need to believe in Him. So I asked if he had given his life to Jesus yet. He said he had when he was young but had since fallen away from Him. I then shared this passage in Romans 10:9 that reads, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” We then invited him to pray and ask Jesus in his heart. That we don’t need to work for salvation but freely give our lives to Him and He will forgive us, our sins. So he prayed and invited Jesus in His heart. He asked God to give him new life. That he needed Him to brake his chains of addiction. After the prayer, we were so encouraged by his desire for change and told him that was the greatest decision he’ll ever make. Before we left, we gave him a Bible of which he accepted. Thank You Lord for leading us to the lost. You are enough for our lives. I know that you bring salvation to all that confess that You are Lord of their life. In Your presence is the fullness of joy. I love You.
Romans 10:9,10 (KJV)
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Artist: Hillsong Worship
Album: Glorious Ruins (2013)
Song: Christ Is Enough