God commanded the ancient people to circumcise the foreskin of their flesh. He told them that they should keep this covenant or be “cut off from his people”. This commitment to God was to separate His people from the world. It was a sacrifice the people made in order to show their loyalty to God. This covenant and others were fulfilled with the law of Moses, however, we should take heed to what this means to us now. We may not circumcise the flesh any longer but the Lord still asks us to give Him our heart. Our hearts need to be circumcised spiritually in order to follow Him. There needs to be a change in our lives. We need to be broken before Him. Our minds need to rethink what’s most important. Our time should be offered freely to Him. Give your life over to God. Let Him find rest within you. If there is something protruding in your life that impedes His presence, change your life. Let go of your addictions and your lust. Put down your pride. Humble yourself before the King. It is not about our will but His. Put the Lord first in your life and He will do a great work within you. Re-commit to follow Jesus. Give Him your whole heart. We are promised eternal joy in His kingdom if we might believe in Him. There is nothing that will ever match His love.
Oh Lord, I pray that many people will come to know You. Lead me to those that are ready to hear your message. Make me a vessel to bring about your gospel to the world. To believe in your Name is life changing. I commit this day to follow You. Your love has won my heart. I circumcise my heart before You. I belong to You, Jesus. You are most important in my life. Forever will I follow in your ways. Your Spirit came upon me and filled me with joy. Your love has overcome my ever desire. You light up my life. I long to be with You. I love your presence. My heart burns for You. You have taken my heart and changed me from within. I am able to control my lusts. I have put aside my additions. My pride is put to rest. I gave You my heart and You had mercy upon me. I can feel your sweet forgiveness in my life. You came to me and gave me hope. You lift me up when I am down. I was weak but You made me strong. You saw the best in me even when I thought I was finished. You took my shame and filled me with love. I am no longer a slave to fear for I am a child of God. I was never a good writer but You gave me the words and I write. I trust in You, Lord. I can’t wait for the day that I can greet you in heaven. My heart will forever praise your Holy Name.
Genesis 17:9,10,14
9 And God said to Abraham: “As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations.
10 This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised;
14 And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.”

Artist: Bethel Music
Album: You Make Me Brave (2014)
Song: I Belong To You (Live)
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