Pray Always

Remember to pray always. Only by doing this will you be found not giving in to your sinful desires. God will keep you from falling.

All Have Sinned

We have all sinned before a righteous God. But when we come unto Jesus with a sincere heart, we are justified and made clean.

Cry Out To God

Why not now, cry out to God in all your confessions? Plead for His forgiveness and mercy while also telling Him how sorry you are.

Utah Mission Trip (10/04/21)

Even when things don’t go as you’ve planned it, keep trusting in God and it will go exactly how God planned it.


There is one sin that is leading many people to hell and it is “UNFORGIVENESS”. Even Christians will not go to heaven because of this sin.

What The Cross Means To Me

Jesus’s death on the Cross means more to me than I will ever know. Just to think of all the pain He had to go through for me brings tears to my eyes.