Abortion And Forgiveness

Killing innocent babies in abortion is allowing their blood to come upon your heads. Only God can cleanse you of these sins.

Prayer For Forgiveness

David didn’t just pray like anyone, he prayed from the heart. He knew God was there, ready to answer his call at any moment.


Surely, when God speaks, we ought to pay attention. His counsel is much wiser than our own and is the only way we will be on the right path.

Simply Forgiving As God Forgives Us

So was forgiveness given to Joseph’s brothers, even after all they had done to him? The question can be answered in Genesis, chapter 50, starting with verses 15, through 21.

Forgiving Our Enemies

It is important that we learn to forgive as God forgives us. And in doing this, we will learn to love as God loves us, for this is doing as Jesus taught us.

Grudges And Forgiving When It Is Hard

Please know that the moment that Joseph insisted that his brothers bring his younger brother down to Egypt, before they could buy any food, is when His walls were still up in full force against them.

Honesty And Love

We are incapable of loving as Christ does, but with Him in our lives, we gain the true capacity to love one another as He does.

Why I Forgive

Forgiving one another as God forgives us comes easier when we allow God to remove all the anger and bitterness from our hearts.


How deep are the sins of the world we live in today. Technology is wonderful for many different reasons but also very destructive in the lives of millions.

Repent And Abide In The Lord

Let the Lord convict you of your sins. Cry unto God and ask for forgiveness. May these desires lead you to pray often and seek God’s hand in your life.

God Cleansed Me Of All My Sins

Now myself and David have a lot in common. We both lusted after women and commit adultery, in the meantime. I was also big into looking at pornography.

A Witness For Christ

The message that I have to share with people comes from the Bible and by of the Holy Spirit. This I teach and preach that all people will be drawn unto the Lord and repent.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love continues when children have gone astray. It continues when your spouse has fallen under an addiction.

Love Your Enemies

The same love that God has shown to us leads us to forgive one another. Jesus has taught that he shows mercy upon us as we have mercy upon others.

Come To Jesus And Rejoice

When you give your life to Jesus, it is the most amazing thing ever. Your mind becomes invigorated in the Spirit.

Jesus Can Free Us From Sin

Be true followers of Jesus. Don’t let anything hold you back. Let Jesus cleanse your heart. Walk in rightlessness. For its gift is Eternal Life.

Jesus Is God

The Bible is clear that Jesus is God and also our judge and creator. He is our Lord God and deserves our praise and worship.

Eager To Come To God

Are you eager to come to God? A person that longs to obey Him, while keeping His commandments.

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