My life was such a mess. I was so into myself and the lusts of the flesh. I was tied down in guilt and shame. My addictions weighed heavy on my heart. I thought I was lost forever. I’d cry myself to sleep for there was no hope in my life. One evening I decided to cry out to Jesus for mercy. I was so terrified at what the Lord would think of me. It was then that the light of Christ came over me. His warmth and peace was all around me. I looked up to heaven and pleaded for forgiveness. I was tired of this life and desired a change of heart. In this moment I could feel His compassion. His love came over me. I knew in this instant that there was hope. The Lord saw through all of my sins and saw potential in my life. The more I prayed and sought after the goodness of God, my life began to change. He broke the chains that held me captive and I was made free in Christ Jesus. I am no longer afraid, for the Lord is with me. I thank You Lord for giving me another chance at life.
My heart sings hallelujah to the Lord on high. I praise the King of Kings. For the Lord is mighty to save. No matter the crime He restores us to fullness of light. How compassionate is our God. His great mercy amazes me. The Lord is so gracious to all. His love pushes me through. When I am with the Lord, His love radiates within me like a consuming fire. These feelings bring hope to my life. His grace takes me to new places. My heart is given to do new things in the Name of the Lord. Everything I do is for Jesus. There is a fire in my soul. I want all the world to know that Jesus saves. There isn’t anything we’ve done that can’t be forgiven. Come to the Lord and let His love change your life. Pray always and give thanks to God. Make time each day to read the Holy Bible. These words have power. Oh Lord, I love You. My heart is yours. I praise and honor You. Your mercy has changed me forever. There is nothing like your love. Be with me always. You sustain me. Thank You for your grace.
Psalm 145: 1,2,8,9
1 I will extol You, my God, O King; And I will bless Your name forever and ever.
2 Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever.
8 The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy.
9 The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works.

Artist: Citizen Way
Album: 2.0 (2016)
Song: When I’m With You