
Soft Porn At Swimming Pools

Young girls, including women of all ages. are to dress modestly unto the Lord, especially when at swimming pools


To better understand the gravity of this situation, for every porn watcher, we will now look to what Paul said about this matter.

The Truth About Pornography

The act of looking at porn is adultery, while masturbating to it, is taking this sin of adultery to the next level in God’s eyes.

The Effects Of Pornography

If there was one word that God labels a person that is a porn watcher, it is an “ADULTERER”. This word truly suits the person well and should convict them of their wrong doings.

The Road To Damascus

Surely, God did not have to save Saul from the judgements that awaited the wicked and punishment of hell, but He did so anyways.


Please understand that God hates every form of sexual sin. It truly is vile and wicked in every form imaginable

Hell Is Filling Up Daily

Hell is filling up daily. All willful sinners and people with false beliefs are heading there now. Only Jesus can save them.


How deep are the sins of the world we live in today. Technology is wonderful for many different reasons but also very destructive in the lives of millions.

What Pornography Does To A Person

When people try to cover the wicked nature of pornography, they are truly becoming an enemy to God. As an enemy, they are, in fact, fighting against God’s will and holy nature.

Seek Wisdom From God

I counsel you all to find true wisdom in life. The type of wisdom that is found only in the Lord. The knowledge we gain in this life can help us but true insight comes from God.

Obey God’s Commandments And Enter Life

There are many people that think they are doing God’s will but are really leading people astray. Many of these same people do not even teach on obeying God’s commandments.


What foolishness, to blatantly fall into sin, when you know better. Don’t people realize that such things causes a rift between them and God?

Cross Dressing Is An Abomination To God

What does the Bible say about abominations to God and what is sinful in His eyes? Well, today we will look into two passages of scripture, in order to answer this question.

Secret And Willful Sins

One specific addiction that ruins lives is pornography and this is often done in secret. However, it is game over when a person finally gets caught looking at porn.

Repent And Let God Change You

Everyone that does not abide by the commands of God will be punished. To live in your own way of life is also living apart from the Lord and telling Him He does not matter.

Be Sober And Flee Sexual Immorality

Paul taught that Christians should “flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.”

Sexual Sin Is Sending People To Hell

Earlier I described the different parts of sexual sin. However, this does not exclude people that participate in or go to sex clubs or bars that promote forms of sexual sin.

Damaging Effects Of Pornography

If you are addicted to pornography, then this message is for you. Please take a moment now and pray. Allow Jesus to cleanse you and change your wicked heart.

How To Seek God First In Our Lives

What is important in life, in order to be on the right path, is that we change our environment that we are in. This is how we can stop willfully sinning.

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