Today’s Prayer (12/13/2022)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people will be ready when it comes to the resurrection of the dead. Not to focus on dead people but the salvation of their own souls. The Mormon people are so caught up in their works for dead people that they have forgotten the need to get right

False Vs True Teachings On How To Get to Heaven

Here are three false scenarios on how to go to heaven. #1 There are many ways to heaven. #2 All people that have died can go to heaven. #3 Belief in Christ saves us, so no life change is necessary is so wrong.

The Four Lepers Of Samaria

God is so powerful that He causes our enemies to flee. We have nothing to fear if the Lord God of the heavens is on our side.

Utah Mission Trip (10/14/17)

This night, something amazing happened that has never happened before. Two different people wanted additional gospel tracts to pass out to others.

Learn From God And His Word

Though a person of faith may desire to come to learn from God, Satan uses many different things to deter them.

Today’s Prayer (08/08/2018)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, please help people realize the necessity to learn from You. Help them understand that the things of this world only deter them from coming to You for wisdom. There is no lasting happiness in doing things that please the flesh but only guilt. Deliver them from such wicked acts. So much

Praise Be To Jesus: Hymn

Praise be to Jesus who died for our transgressions! Christ, the anointed Messiah, God, and King.

God Hates Divorce

Putting Away = Divorce Malachi 2:16 16 For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously. Matthew 19:1-9 (KJV) 1 Now it came to pass, when Jesus had

In Trials Trust In Jesus

Pray to God in times of trials. Ask in faith and He will give you patience. There is no need for us to deal with trials on our own.

Free From Sin In Jesus

Once I gave my life over to the Lord, I was changed. I was born again in His Spirit. Jesus saved me from death. I was no longer dead to life but alive in Jesus.

Today’s Prayer (05/26/2021)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people would begin to be led by You and not what their prophets, pastors, teachers, priests, and/or bishops are telling them. We should never just take a person’s word for it without testing what they say with what the Bible says. I would never wish to accidentally diminish,

Today’s Prayer (08/13/2021)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that more Mormons will come to know the true Jesus of the Bible. There are so many red flags in their church doctrines and books they read, but because they are closed off to the truth, they cannot see what is false. So I ask that You open the

Today’s Inspiration (02/24/2023)

We do not regard Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. His false prophesies is just the icing on the cake as to why. Paul Gee / February 24, 2023 / Related Devotional

Today’s Prayer (02/24/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of the Mormon people. They are under a great deception and aren’t even aware of it. Since this cult came on the scene, Joseph Smith had been declaring false prophesy after false prophecy. Not only this, but his adulterous lifestyle has disqualified him to be your