To Live And Die For God

I will live and die for the Lord. Jesus is why I have breath, so I live this life knowing that one day I will be with Him in heaven.

Die To Yourself Daily

It is so important that we die daily for the Lord. This means to look at ourselves in the mirror and confess our sins before God

Are You Ready To Die?

It is a very sad day when a family member or friend passes away, that didn’t believe in God for salvation.

When We Die

One day, death will come to the best of us, no matter what we try to do to stop it. Our spirits will return to God who formed us.

Die To Self

Give up your old ways and come to Christ through prayer. Him alone has power to deliver You from bondage.

Website Reviews

Who will be the next person to submit their Testimonial on “Daily Christian Devotionals”?

Website Review Form

If anyone has been blessed by the messages from “Daily Christian Devotionals” (, I invite you to publish your Testimonial through the Testimonial Form link below.

Love This Website

I really love the website you all have made. I am starting to apply it to my daily life and have also shown the website to my family too. It really is amazing.

This Website Has Blessed My Life

This website created by Paul Gee, and obviously run by the Holy Spirit, has blessed my life. Paul has wisdom and understanding matched by no other person. All for the glory to God for the Holy Spirit has given to Paul Gee. He has answered deep questions. Praise God for Paul Gee and his ministry.

Thank You For Your Website

Hello brother Gee, how are you? Hope this finds you well. My name is Diane Chen. I am so bless to learn of your website and I am just in awe of knowing your precious walk with the Lord as I read some of your prayers to Him. So sweet! You truly love the Lord!

Website Review Form

If you are blessed by the content on this site, then please fill out this form. Your review will help others also.

Website Reviews

These are the current Testimonials for Daily Christian Devotionals. There is a link on this page to submit yours.

Thank You For Your Website

Thank you for your website. It is truly a blessing to me. I have been telling others about your site. Thank you for loving Jesus so much and helping me understand His great love for me.