Our Father in heaven, You are so gracious and kind. Thank You for fulfilling my needs. I was so lost trying to find joy in all the wrong places. Finally I have true happiness that doesn’t end. Your peace helps me get through the hard times. Thank You for caring so deeply for me. I love You.
Oh Lord, I love You. Thank You for pulling me out of a life of sin. I gave it all to You and You changed me to the very core. Thank You for caring enough to save me. I am forever Yours. My heart is in Your hand. I praise You.
Thank You Lord for helping me live for You and not the world. My flesh is weak but You make me stronger. Living for You is difficult on my own but all things can be done with You by my side. I love You.
Thank You Lord for rescuing me though I was so foolish. I did my own thing for so long and disregarded You in every way. Thank You for never giving up on me. I was lost but You found me. You lifted me up and brought me peace. I now have eternal joy in Your presence. I love You.
Oh Lord, I am grateful for my trials. They only draw me closer to you. When times are hard, I will seek Your face for comfort. Never leave me, Lord. Make a home in my heart. You are my salvation. I trust in You. I love You.
I pray that everyone I met this evening felt uplifted and at peace. I pray that their sorrows might be lifted. There are so many people in need of love and I am grateful, Lord, that You brought me here tonight. It was Your love that came from my heart into theirs. I can do nothing but what You do for my life. Thank You for using me for Your kingdom. May the seeds of this harvest be nourished and bring forth much fruit. Lord, make ready a new generation of believers that have a heart to serve You. Break their hearts that they follow You deeper. Find rest in my heart always. I love Your presence. I love seeing lives change because of Your love. I trust in You Lord. I love You.
Oh Lord, I honor and praise Your Holy Name. I lift you up high. May Your Spirit dwell in my heart always. Let Your will be done for my life. I give it all to You. I am hungry for Your words. Teach me and fill me with knowledge. Help me to walk in Your ways. Forgive me, as I am sinner. I am sorry for falling into temptation. Shield my eyes from evil. I can’t bear to stand without You in my life. Help me to forgive those that have hurt me. They deserve forgiveness as much as I do. Thank You for everything You do for me. I am so blessed. I love You.
Oh Lord, thank you for opening my eyes to the beauty of your words. Convict me, through prayer and through your words, whenever I am off track. Keep me inline to Your standards. I love Your ways. I will preserve Your teachings in my heart. May Your teachings always be with me. I love You.
Oh Lord, I love You. I believe in Your Holy Name. I have overcome death because You have given me new life. Thank You. I will praise Your Name forevermore.
Thank You Lord for hearing my prayers. You are my strength and my shield. Time and again, You come and rescue me. You never let me down. For this, I declare Your great Name to all the world. Help me to love on them as You love me. May your love flow from me into them. Help the lost be found. You are the way to eternal life. I praise You above all. I love You.
Oh Lord, I honor You. I no longer wish to live apart from Your love. Help me resist temptation. Remove the sins in my life. Help me to be undefiled from this world. I love You.
I pray Lord that people’s hearts were opened to Your words. Convict every one of the people we met tonight of their sins, no matter what they are. Lead us from darkness into Your light. I need Your light in my life, ever day of my life. I just wish more people could know You and be saved. I love You. Amen.
Thank You Lord for Victor. He made the biggest step of life tonight. I pray that he never forgets this day. I pray that this is just the start of a beautiful journey with You. Bring Him, every day, closer to You. I love You.
Thank You Lord for delivering me from a life of sin. I was willfully sinning but you pulled me out of it. You heard my cries and had mercy. Thank you for giving me another chance to follow You. I rejoice in Your great Name. I need Your holiness every day of my life. I love You.
Lord, I know your judgements are righteous. I pray that anyone that isn’t for you now will repent. Help them make this a high priority in their life. Time is short. Your wrath is real and so is Your love for the sinner that repents. Thank You for taking me in though I didn’t deserve it. I love You.
Oh Lord, may more people’s hearts change this very day. May they begin to listen when they hear Your message of hope. Give all believers are a greater desire to proclaim Your great love and to be fellow-shipped. Help us make Your time more valuable. You are more important than anything I could ever have in this life. I love You.
Oh Lord, bring us all closer to You. Lead us away from the false doctrines in church’s today. Help us know what is Your will and what is man’s. I desire to always be on Your side. I want the same for everyone that wants to follow You. May the lost hear Your voice and come out of darkness. I love You.
Oh Lord, I pray for the churches today. Oh how wicked they have become. Convict the church leaders to change their ways. Counsel them to teach all the Bible and to encourage their members to read it. All the scriptures are a delight to my soul. I know You speak through every word. I delight in Your ways and will follow You till the end.
I pray that more people will have a greater desire to share the gospel. Oh Lord, it saddens me to see so many so-called Christians keep their love for You to themselves. May their lives begin to bear fruit. Take away the fear form their hearts and give them boldness. Help more people be courageous enough to share Your love with others. I love You and it is a pleasure to declare Your great Name.
Thank You Lord for this opportunity to share the gospel. I could have done so many other things tonight but instead I followed You and am so grateful I did. I didn’t understand the reason why You beckoned me to go out tonight but now I know. You have high hopes for the people of this home. I lift up Jacob and Jay to you tonight. May your peace fall down upon them, this week. Be with them. Until we meet again, in a week, give them desires to seek You and to know Your will. I trust in You Lord. I love You.
Oh Lord, I find hope each day that I follow You. I believe in all the Bible says about You being our deliverer from sin. I know that You came to save us from our sins. Thank You for taking my sin upon Yourself on the cross. You didn’t have to do this for me but You did without thinking twice. You are the greatest example of love. Nobody has ever been so kind as You have to me. When all seemed lost You rescued me. You heard my cries and had mercy. Thank You for Your grace. I am forever Yours, Jesus. I love You.
Thank You Lord for giving me the desire to visit my mom today. If I hadn’t been there, who knows what could have happened to this kind old man. Thank You for putting him in my path to care for. I pray that his burdens were made light, this day. I love You.
Oh Lord, I give my life to You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. Though I am a sinner, I put my trust in You. I ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. Teach me Your ways that I may walk in Your light. I honor and praise Your holy Name. I love You.
Oh Lord, “Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” I cannot get enough of your wisdom and knowledge. Each day that I read your Holy Bible my heart is turned to follow You. I am made stronger by every word. Though my flesh is weak, You are what makes me stronger through reading Your words. I am less likely to fall under temptation for You are my rock and my fortress. When all kinds of winds of doctrine come my way I can know for certain what is truth based on my daily readings in the Bible. Learning from You is a delight. I love to honor You. I love You.
Thank You Lord for this wonderful night. I am encouraged just to know You. Thank You for humbling yourself to come to earth to die for us. You are my greatest example of love. I am amazed just to follow You. I love You.
Prayers: June 2017
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