“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)
Jesus’s Birth
The birth of Jesus is the greatest event to ever take place on this earth. This is when our King came to save us from our sins ...
Jesus’s Birth In A Manager
The true reason we celebrate Christmas is not about Santa Clause or presents, but about Jesus and His glorious birth ...
Remove Santa, Remove Curses
People have forgotten about Jesus during the Christmas season. The precious birth of Jesus is slowly being forgotten ...
Santa Is A Replacement For Jesus
Santa is a substitute for Jesus on Christmas. True Christians can see this, and therefore, don't let Santa influence their children's lives ...
Santa = Satan
Santa/Satan doesn't want children to pray to God for their wants and needs. Instead, he wants children to make a list for him ...
Mary’s Song Of Worship
He who exalts himself will eventually be brought down. We are filled when we are hungry for God's Words ...
Behold The Handmaid Of The Lord
Jesus did come those two thousand years ago. God came down and became flesh. He lived a perfect and sinless life ...
Gabriel Was Sent To Mary
Mary had found favor with God. Therefore, she was told that she would bring forth a son, who is called Jesus ...
The Wise Men Deliver Their Gifts
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were priceless gifts, and still, they were given willfully to Jesus, the Messiah ...
Jesus Was Born In Bethlehem
Jesus's birth is the best thing that has ever happened to mankind. God became flesh to save His people from their sins ...
The Birth Of Jesus
Jesus is the reason why we do anything during this Christmas season. We remember His glorious birth ...
Jesus’s Birth Prophecy: Numbers 24
A scepter of righteousness has come from Jacob and into the world. A star has come, which is Jesus, our Messiah ...
The Twelve Days Of Offerings To God
We need to be careful that what we hear in music and then sing isn't actually blaspheming God through the lyrics ...
Jesus Is The Mighty God, The Great I Am
As Jesus said, He is the great "I Am", or God Almighty, of which spoke to Abraham and also Moses in a flame of fire ...
Jesus Is The Everlasting Father
God's Word declares that Jesus is so wonderful, our counselor, mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace ...
Jesus, Who Is God, Has Come
Jesus is the light of the world. He came into the world and only a few people came unto Him. It is now our time to submit to God ...
Jesus’s Birth Prophecy: Hosea 11
When Jesus was a baby, His parents went into Egypt as directed by the Father through an angel. The Lord was protected ...
Jesus’s Birth Prophecy: Genesis 49
Jesus did come forth as a lion from the tribe of Judah. He is the Lamb that was slain. Through His blood, we are redeemed ...
Jesus’s Birth Prophecy: Micah 5
Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem as was prophesied by the prophet Micah. This prophecy was fulfilled ...
Jesus’s Birth Prophecy: Isaiah 9
Jesus is our God, our Counselor, the Prince of Peace, our Judge, and the Lord of Lords. He is mighty to save ...
Immanuel Was Born Of A Virgin
Jesus is called Immanuel, which is interpreted, God with us. He was born through Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit ...
The Shepherds Visit Jesus In A Manger
We sing glory to God in the highest. Jesus, who is the promised Messiah, has come into the world to save us ...
Jesus Was Born In A Manger
Jesus was born in Bethlehem as prophesied by Micah, the prophet. This was under very humble circumstances ...
Mary Rejoiced In God, Our Savior
I rejoice in the Lord, my God, and my Savior. Holy is His Name. His mercy is for those who call upon His Name ...
The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary
With God nothing is impossible. Jesus came forth from Mary as a virgin by the power of the Father and the Spirit ...
Mary And Joseph Are Told To Move To Egypt
Jesus's birth and young life were full of danger because of king Herod. However, His Father made a way for Him to be safe ...
The Three Wise Men
Jesus's birth is the greatest event to ever take place on earth. For this reason, the three wise men came to worship the Christ child ...
Jesus Was Born Through The Holy Spirit
Jesus was born through the Holy Spirit. He is God with us, of which came to take away the sins of the world ...
Jeremiah’s Prophesy of Jesus Coming Into The World
Jesus is the Christ, who is the Messiah and our God. He is the Lord of righteousness and came to save us all from our sins ...
Jesus’s Birth: Luke 2: The Nativity Story
Jesus was born in a manger, showing His humility. He is our King but is also our ultimate example of how to live our lives ...