Remember to pray always. Only by doing this will you be found not giving in to your sinful desires. God will keep you from falling.
Today’s Inspiration (12/01/2020)
God wants to answer your prayers and give you guidance. But who is willing to keep His commandments and do what He desires first?
Today’s Inspiration (11/30/2020)
Will you be found living for God or the flesh when Jesus returns? You will be found worthy or with the children of disobedience.
Today’s Inspiration (11/29/2020)
Only Jesus can transform your lives and raise you up unto salvation. By grace are ye saved through faith. His mercy is for you!
Today’s Inspiration #2 (11/28/2020)
Jesus is the perfect, spotless Passover lamb, who was able to pay the price for our sins once and for all.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (11/28/2020)
Hosanna to the King of kings. Jesus is our Messiah, Lord God, and Savior. Praise His holy Name.
Today’s Inspiration (11/27/2020)
It comes at a cost to become Jesus’s disciple. But who is willing to do what He said, in order to follow Him completely?
Today’s Inspiration (11/26/2020)
There is so much to give thanks for. And something we don’t do enough is to give God thanks for our many blessings.
Today’s Inspiration (11/25/2020)
When you make food at home or go out for dinner, why not invite someone who is less fortunate to join you, like a homeless person.
Today’s Inspiration (11/24/2020)
Coveting is very sinful in God’s eyes. What you treasure is where your heart is also. So begin to seek first the kingdom of God.
Today’s Inspiration (11/23/2020)
We cannot hide anything from God’s presence. These hidden sins are before Him. Therefore, confess them, that He may help you.
Today’s Inspiration (11/22/2020)
How is it that people so often receive from the Father, but cannot give good gifts to others when it is not convenient to them?
Today’s Inspiration (11/21/2020)
If you love Jesus then you will not be ashamed to tell others about Him. How He died for our sins and has the power to save us.
Today’s Inspiration (11/20/2020)
Give your life to Jesus. Salvation only comes through Christ, our Lord. So start living for Him today.
Today’s Inspiration (11/19/2020)
We should not ask Jesus to destroy our enemies, but to save them. People may not be ready now, but we pray for their salvation.
Today’s Inspiration (11/18/2020)
What type of person are you? Are you saved and are bringing forth fruits based on your faith? That is the only way salvation comes.
Today’s Inspiration (11/17/2020)
What matters in life is what we are doing now, not what we once did in the past. God cares about how we are serving Him now.
Today’s Inspiration (11/16/2020)
First the mask mandate and then the COVID vaccine mandate. Only God’s elect will be ready for it and also resist it at all costs.
Today’s Inspiration (11/15/2020)
There is only one way that we can make the devil leave us. It is to stay in the light of Jesus. Then can we resist temptation.
Today’s Inspiration (11/14/2020)
There is only one way we can win the battle against temptation. It is through the armor of God in our lives.
Today’s Inspiration (11/13/2020)
Don’t be found with the lukewarm Christians. These people appear to be on God’s side but are filthy on the inside and unsaved.
Today’s Inspiration (11/12/2020)
One day there will be no more sickness, no more death, no more sadness, no more depression, no more sorrow, and no more grief.
Today’s Inspiration (11/11/2020)
I rejoice at the announcement of Jesus’s birth. That God would become flesh, in order to save us from our sins.
Today’s Inspiration (11/10/2020)
To be fearfully and wonderfully made means that God created us perfectly. What God did, only He could do. We are His masterpiece.
Today’s Inspiration (11/09/2020)
The mark of the beast is coming around the corner. Be watchful and ready to resist getting the vaccine and later on the mark.
Today’s Inspiration (11/08/2020)
Jesus is alive and working in the lives of millions of people today. His fire cannot be tamed, for the Holy Spirit is alive in us.
Today’s Inspiration (11/07/2020)
Jesus was crucified that we might be saved. Every person who believes in Him can be forgiven and find mercy from the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (11/06/2020)
What matters is that Jesus is happy with us and not what others think. God loves it when we are doing selfless acts of service.
Today’s Inspiration (11/05/2020)
Take heed and be watchful for Jesus’s return. Therefore, be in constant prayer and supplication to the Lord, our God, who saves.
Today’s Inspiration (11/04/2020)
God has been using people for centuries to do His work in His vineyard. The question is, are you allowing God to use you?
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