Nothing in life is worth doing or living for if the Lord God does not approve. This wicked lifestyle only leads to destruction.
Inspirations (04-2019)
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/30/2019)
Would you say that God is happy about your life? If you are not living in His will, then you should know the answer and repent.
Today’s Inspiration (04/29/2019)
If Christ is not in you, then you are not in the faith. Seek to know Him and to not do what is evil but to live in God’s holiness.
Today’s Inspiration (04/28/2019)
Keep your head up high and know that the Lord Jesus knows your situation and will be there for you if you come unto Him in prayer.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/27/2019)
Jesus is my Lord, my love and my all. I am strengthened each day that I think of Him and seek Him in prayer and in His Word.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/27/2019)
Those that love the Lord Jesus are also willing to be led by Him in all things. In this manner is their walk likened unto His.
Today’s Inspiration (04/26/2019)
The Lord is my light and my strength. Jesus is the way to salvation and has done great and marvelous things in my life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/25/2019)
The time frame without sin in our lives can be greater than you think. It all depends what we do with our time and how we spend it with God.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/25/2019)
As a Christian, we also love our God so much that living in sin is out of the question. Therefore, we strive to live in His will.
Today’s Inspiration (04/24/2019)
As Christians, fellowship is what we do. We first give ourselves over to the Lord and then unto His people and the lost.
Today’s Inspiration (04/23/2019)
Every true believer is led by the Spirit and not the desires of their own heart. We are resurrected into new life in Christ Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (04/22/2019)
Our joy reaches past the grave and into heaven, for we have Jesus on our side. Therefore we go out and declare His great Name.
Today’s Inspiration (04/21/2019)
Christ has risen from the dead. He took upon Himself sin, while on the cross, and then rose the third day to give us new life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/20/2019)
My soul sings to my Lord and my God. I am lifted up by the beauty of Jesus, my King. I am in awe at His mercy and grace.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/20/2019)
I sing to You, Lord, sweet songs of praise. Oh how I love and adore You. Be ever near me and never leave my side. I am Yours.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/19/2019)
Jesus’s death on the cross is what ushered in the forgiveness of sins to the world. Mercy is for anyone that receives Him as Lord.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/19/2019)
On Good Friday we celebrate our Lord Jesus and His sacrifice for all mankind on the cross, in which there is payment for sins.
Today’s Inspiration (04/18/2019)
The Gospel Message is that Jesus died for our sins on the cross and was resurrected the third day. This is the message I preach.
Today’s Inspiration (04/17/2019)
As disciples of Christ we endure persecution, stand firm in the faith, fellowship with those in the faith, and are God’s witness.
Today’s Inspiration (04/16/2019)
The Lord Jesus is my rock, my fortress and my firm foundation. There is no one like our God who saves.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/15/2019)
Let your mind be likened unto Christ. Be strong in your faith through constant prayer and lifting up others in the love of God.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/15/2019)
When I am weak, I know that my Lord God will give me the strength I need. He is my healer when I am sick.
Today’s Inspiration (04/14/2019)
Jesus takes counsel from His Father, as I take counsel from Jesus, as the wife takes counsel from her husband.
Today’s Inspiration (04/13/2019)
How can I preach the gospel if I am walking in sin and of the world? If I am not for Jesus, then the Holy Spirit is not present.
Today’s Inspiration (04/12/2019)
Be so careful as to not get involved with fornication, which is also adultery. Sexual sin will only lead us away from God.
Today’s Inspiration (04/11/2019)
Showcase your true love to Jesus by also being faithful to Him. No longer live for yourself but for the Lord God who saves.
Today’s Inspiration (04/10/2019)
Your fellowship with other believers in the faith makes a world of difference. This strengthens the church and is God directed.
Today’s Inspiration (04/09/2019)
The doors have been opened to the Gentiles. Anyone that truly believes in Jesus is now saved along with Israel. What a great God!
Today’s Inspiration (04/04/2019)
Each one of us are lost if Jesus is not a part of our lives. If He is not living inside of you, then repent and come to Him today.
Today’s Inspiration (04/03/2019)
Read the Bible very carefully and keep your eyes opened, lest you are led astray into a false religion without even knowing it.
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