God is mighty and can do all things in our lives. Come to Him in prayer, with an open heart. May the Spirit come into your life.
Inspirations (04-2018)
Today’s Inspiration (04/29/2018)
I am so honored and blessed to have the Lord Jesus in my life. His message of hope stirs in my soul. I am so joyful!
Today’s Inspiration (04/28/2018)
Many false teachings can come into a church, when new “so-called” revelation begins to override what the Bible teaches.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/27/2018)
Only the Lord could ever be so good to us. His love is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I am so blessed to have God in my life.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/27/2018)
Exercise your faith and share your love of Christ with others. Tell them how much God loves them and how He changed your life.
Today’s Inspiration (04/26/2018)
We would not be alive now if God had not given us life. Every day that we live, thank the Lord. As we have breath, praise Him.
Today’s Inspiration (04/25/2018)
The Lord knows us and loves us so much. He has prepared a way for us to find true happiness. Come unto Him and you will find joy.
Today’s Inspiration (04/24/2018)
The Love of God is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I am left amazed each time. The Lord is so good to me!
Today’s Inspiration (04/23/2018)
Come and bless the Lord. Give praise and honor to His holy Name. Sing of His mercy and grace. Speak of His goodness and compassion.
Today’s Inspiration (04/22/2018)
A faith that is made whole with Christ the Lord is strong to resist any temptation. Through the Lord’s presence, the chains of addiction are cut loose.
Today’s Inspiration (04/21/2018)
I cannot replace the love that comes from the Father. There is no imitation for true love, for God’s love never ends. We can’t be faithful on our own will.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/20/2018)
Ask God for forgiveness for anything in the past that still makes you feel dirty. With all sincerity of heart, say sorry.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/20/2018)
The Lord is so good to us. It is an honor go to Him in prayer and thank Him for my bounteous blessings. Thank You Lord.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/19/2018)
Call me crazy but I am in love with Jesus. My Lord moves me to follow Him. I am not ashamed to believe and trust in my God.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/19/2018)
Verify your beliefs in God are found in the Bible. Read God’s Word daily and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Live in God’s will.
Today’s Inspiration (04/18/2018)
If you are struggling with sin and guilt. Give it all to God in prayer. You can find true forgiveness in His presence.
Today’s Inspiration (04/17/2018)
How is your life for Christ? What would you feel like in judgement, if you died today? Are you ready?
Today’s Inspiration (04/16/2018)
With Christ, I am able to resist temptation. We are never too far gone. The Lord is anxiously awaiting for us to come to Him.
Today’s Inspiration (04/15/2018)
The Lord God is our deliverer. He is our help. When you are in trouble, pray, and He will come to the rescue.
Today’s Inspiration (04/14/2018)
Do you allow the Lord to search you and do you give in to His will? God can do so much in your life, if you are willing.
Today’s Inspiration (04/13/2018)
Do you love God enough to live for Him? How about opening your mouth and declaring the gospel through Him?
Today’s Inspiration (04/12/2018)
Many times do I think on God and get carried away like a cloud, while basking in His glorious presence. It is so amazing.
Today’s Inspiration (04/11/2018)
Will you open your whole heart to God? Do so and you will be filled with the Spirit. This is how a true change occurs.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/10/2018)
Your love for the Lord and others will manifest your praise to God. When His commands are in your heart and you walk in them, the Lord is honored.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (04/10/2018)
Share the gospel with anyone that will listen. Allow the good news of Jesus Christ to penetrate the lives of the lost.
Today’s Inspiration (04/09/2018)
Jesus. He is my friend. He is my Savior. He is my God and who I long for. Take me home, into Your presence, my Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (04/08/2018)
Submit your lives to God. Open your hearts to Him, like a child submits to their parents. Allow Him to do a work inside your lives.
Today’s Inspiration (04/07/2018)
Those in the faith, come together in fellowship, one with another, for this is church. We are all the members of Christ.
Today’s Inspiration (04/06/2018)
Lift up your eyes to the Lord and give your life to Him. Confess your sins, that you may be forgiven. Let Him lift you up to walk in His ways.
Today’s Inspiration (04/05/2018)
Allow the Holy Spirit to come into your lives. Open your heart to God. Live unto His good works and not your own.
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