Walk In The Truth
Seek to love the Lord our God. Love our neighbor as ourselves. Let this love take you deeper than ever before.
Seek to love the Lord our God. Love our neighbor as ourselves. Let this love take you deeper than ever before.
The Spirit testifies that the Bible is true. We can come to know the Lord through reading it. Follow Him and hear His voice.
Continue to add to your faith each day. Come to know Jesus and you will make better choices. His love will grow within you.
We will blessed as we trust in the Lord. The Lord loves us and wants the best for us. He will be with us and give us comfort.
There are so many people in need. Find out their struggles and pray with and for them. Seek to listen and love one another.
Give your lives to Jesus. Let Him be a light in your life. There is hope and salvation through our Lord Jesus. He felt all our pains that our sins may be washed away.
Don’t be deceived by another gospel. We can find all truth in the Bible. Seek the truth and follow God’s counsel.
Seek the Lord and His counsel. Follow His will because you love Him. He will be with you every step of the way.
Nothing we hold of value will be available in the next life. Seek God’s righteousness and you will find true joy.
Even though I have never seen the Lord I believe in Him. I can feel His presence. The Spirit testifies that He lives.
Jesus has risen from the dead. Many witnessed His resurrection. Come to know Him for yourself and you will find a peace that never ends.
The Lord’s sacrifice was for us all. Because of the cross our sins are forgiven. After death Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive.
Develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. Let Him strengthen your marriage. Complement your spouse each day and tell them you love them.
Be humble and come to the Lord often in prayer. Come to know Him. Give Him your heart. Our lives will be changed as we seek Him.
Give up your old life and follow Jesus. Be broken before Him. Let His healing power come over you. Let Him cleanse your heart.
If you see anyone that are in need, care for them. If you love the Lord, walk in His ways. Give all that you have to Him.
Live each day as if the Lord was returning today. Be waiting and ready for His coming. Seek Him often in prayer. Live each day for the Lord.
Put your trust in Jesus and He won’t let you down. We will find mercy and strength in the Lord. We will one day stand before Him in wondrous awe.
Living a life of sin is not worth it. All the world can offer us is temporary joy. True joy is found in Jesus. Give your life to Him.
Give your life to the Lord. Don’t be burdened by your sins. Let the Lord take away your shame and set you free.
Give thanks to our God. Sing to the Lord and give Him praise. We are so blessed to have such a loving Savior.
If you find someone in need, care for them. Visit all those that are lonely. Share the hope found in Jesus.
Follow the Lord and seek to learn of Him each day. Put aside your idols that keep you from Him. Give your time freely to God.
The Lord’s message is going forth because of people like you. The Holy Spirit is powerful and is changing lives. Let all the world know that Jesus saves.
We were made in the likeness of God. We all have a purpose on earth. We are not alone for God is always with us. Thank Him each day in prayer.
Read the Bible daily. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be with you as you read. Meditate on the Word of God. Always have words on your mind.
Is God most important to you? Do you make time for Him in your life? Examine your priorities. Give yourself freely over to God.
We are blessed to have a perfect Father. We can count on Him in all things. He will never let us down. He is the most loving of all.
Our God is all mighty. Nothing compares to His glory. With Him on our side we can do all things. No obstacle can hold us back.
I love and honor the Lord. All praise to His Name. My soul sings hallelujah. I am saved because of the mercy of my King.
We need to put our trust in the Lord. We need to humble ourselves and seek His righteousness. We need to know the Lord better each day.