Hell Is Filling Up Daily

Hell is filling up daily. All willful sinners and people with false beliefs are heading there now. Only Jesus can save them.

Celebrating Palm Sunday

Today we celebrate Palm Sunday and remember the day that Jesus was praised by the Jewish people. All hail King Jesus!

The Last Five Commandments

We fulfill the law as we learn to love the Lord and our neighbor as ourselves. Not doing this, we break God’s holy commandments.

Life Begins At Conception

The Bible teaches that life begins at conception. Therefore, if you are a believer in God and agree with what He says, then you are also pro-life and against abortion.

Many Members But Differing Gifts

In Christ’s church we are not all alike. God has given each one of us different gifts of the Spirit, that we might all do a different work for Him.

Once Cut Off But Now Saved

Although we may have been cut off from God, God will bring us back to Him if we repent and call upon the name of Jesus.

Masks And The COVID Vaccine

Just because most people wear masks and are getting the vaccine, it doesn’t mean it is right. Do what God says and not the world.

Walking In The Spirit

Spend time with God daily! Then, will you walk in the ways of the Spirit and not walk in the flesh. This is unto salvation. Amen.

Cry Out To God

Why not now, cry out to God in all your confessions? Plead for His forgiveness and mercy while also telling Him how sorry you are.

Living For God Each Day

It is important that we live for the Lord daily, continually seeking His hand. Everyday is a new day to serve our King.

Three Reasons For Divorce

Staying married is always the best answer, but according to the Bible, the three reasons for divorce are fornication, abandonment, and if a spouse dies.

Finding Time For God

How hard is it for people to find time for God daily? The answer is that it should be easy but isn’t for their different reasons.

All Have Sinned

We have all sinned before a righteous God. But when we come unto Jesus with a sincere heart, we are justified and made clean.

When We Judge People Wrongfully

If we judge one another wrongfully, those same judgment calls are upon our own heads. Therefore, seek God’s guidance in all things.

Be Of Good Cheer

Our peace comes from God. Pray when things are going south in your life. He will bring a smile to your face and start leading you.

A Bold Witness For Jesus

As believers in Jesus, we are also bold witnesses for Him. We proclaim the good news of the gospel to anyone who will listen.

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