Repent And Let God Change You

Everyone that does not abide by the commands of God will be punished. To live in your own way of life is also living apart from the Lord and telling Him He does not matter.

Joseph Smith Translation

The Mormons don’t always mention the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) book, per say. However, they do reference it in all their KJV Bible’s.

Come Out Of Sin And Be Baptized

Will you now “ponder the path of life” and where it is leading you. If you are not in a good spot with God, then repent.

Wicked Generation

Among the people we live with everyday are those that lie for their own gain. Sometimes for a laugh and other times to manipulate another.

A Blessing To Be Persecuted

People will come at us and say different things because of our faith. Some even do so, in order to discourage us. But do not get upset by it, instead respond in a positive way.

Respect The Marriage Bed

To all men and women, understand that if you have an addiction to pornography, it will not get any better in marriage.

Judgment Day Has Come

As you watched people go before the Lord, on bended knee, they would begin to proclaim all the good things they had done and why they should out weight the negative things.

Come Out Of The Evils Of This World

Do not fall victim to the evils of this world but put your trust in God. God is calling you out. He says, My daughter and “my son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding.”

Gain Understanding From God

The only way we can know if we are on the right path or not is if we are reading the Bible and praying to God on a regular basis.

Happy Mother’s Day

To be married to a virtuous woman, is what all men that look to God look forward to. Rich or poor, this married couple is still happy, because they have each other and God’s peace in their lives.

Be Vigilant And Sober Minded

We are to “watch and be sober”. Understand that the night crowd can easily lead you astray, so stay vigilant and go to bed when it is night.

Be Wise In the Lord And Do What He Says

The Bible makes it clear how we can know how to live and act for God. He teaches us to “take fast hold of instruction” and “let her not go” but keep it.

The Bible Leads Us To Christ

Both Jesus and the Bible are called the “Word of God”. You cannot even have one without the other. It would be incomplete.

Our Confidence In God Helps Us

A Christian will not choose to do harm towards another person but show kindness instead. We pray that our speech is uplifting and our actions are considerate to other people’s needs.

Live In God’s Love

If we are to believe that we know God personally, then we are also living in His will. There is a conviction “that we know him, if we keep his commandments.”

The Wisdom From God Brings Joy

The knowledge we gain from God is worth every penny. “For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.”

Trust In God Over Yourself

If your focus is on God, you won’t help it but desire to live by His laws. By doing so, you are showing your trust in Him above all else.

When Do You Come To God?

Hearing the Father speak to our hearts is vital to our salvation. How can we even think that we are saved if the Lord is not with us?

Come To God For Understanding

To gain knowledge, we must first understand the meaning of fear. We learn that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”

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