Do Not Add To The Bible

Do not accept another gospel even if an angel preaches it. Do not listen to those that preach another Jesus outside the Bible.

God’s Great Mercy

Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy. Your light has shined down into my soul and delivered me from darkness. You have set me free from turmoil and grief.

Flee From Temptation

I am thankful that God can take me out of temptation. Even when my flesh feels so weak inside I know there is a way out.

No Marriage In Heaven

The Mormon Church teaches that people can be married for time and all eternity. Meaning their marriage will continue after this life.

God’s Word Is In The Bible

If any of you are following a religion that has beliefs outside the Bible I pray that you stop attending. No longer do things that feel comfortable to You but with God.

Believe In Jesus Of The Bible

What saddens me is that many people I’ve talked to are closed off to God’s Word. What they’ve learned throughout their life is more important than hearing the gospel of the Bible.

Share The Truth

Pray that the Lord will give you boldness to share His gospel message. Be in the Word that you may know what is truth.

Hail God And Not Mary

God deserves all our praise. Only Him alone we should worship. Cast aside any other god’s and idols in your life.

Die To Self

Give up your old ways and come to Christ through prayer. Him alone has power to deliver You from bondage.

Work Out Your Salvation

Work out your salvation in fear and trembling before God. Give Him your heart and He will do a work in your life.

God’s Design

I pray that if you are living a broken life that you turn to Christ through prayer. Even in your addictions come to Him and let Him loose the chains that have you bound.

The Reason For Jesus’s Birth

We have much to be grateful for, for though we are fallen He gives us new life. He takes us in because of His great love. Our evil tendencies are replaced by righteous habits.

The Humble Birth Of Jesus

To Jesus I praise. In this Christmas season I give thanks for His birth. Everything that I cherish is all because He came into the world.

Mary Rejoices In The Lord

How blessed is Mary among women. She was a chosen vessel to bring forth the Son of God. Her story was of amazing love for her Son Jesus.

Mary’s Angelic Visit

Through the Holy Spirit the King of kings was born. “For with God nothing” is impossible. It was a miracle of all miracles to have the Son of God be born to a virgin.

I Proclaim God’s Mercy

If any of you have lost your way there is a way out. When darkness fades there is light. Seek the light of Christ and you will be made whole.

To Be Grateful

The day our hearts are given solely to the Lord is the day our lives are changed. We will begin to pray more often and seek to learn through the Bible.

Jesus Brings Happiness

Though the appearance of this world is engaging it doesn’t compare to the blessings of God. Temptation of the devil is only fooling us.

Come And Sing Out To Jesus

Hallelujah, for our King reigns on high. He is our Holy King, our Eternal Father. Glory and honor to Jesus. Let us come together and worship Him.

To Know Love

The Lord my God has shown me such great love. Because of the cross I am rescued from a life of sin. I had nowhere to turn to until He delivered me.

Sing Out With A Thankful Heart

This day I could not stop singing hymns of thanksgiving to the Lord. My heart is so full of gladness for what the Lord has done for me.

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