The Word Of God Is Life Changing

We need to study the Bible often. The Lord speaks through its words. It will speak to each of us differently and show us what we need to do in order to return to Him.

Share The Lord’s Good News

The Lord has power to save us all. As we trust in Him, He will use us to share His message to the world. Let His Spirit guide you in all that you do.

Set Your Mind On The Lord

Let the Lord guide your thoughts. Come to Him and your mind will be renewed. Our thoughts will be made clean. Our hearts will be made pure.

Lord, You Are Welcome Here

I love the Lord. His love never fails. He has given me a new life. He has given me hope. I feel courage with Him by side. He is always welcome in my heart.

Come Worship The Lord

I delight to worship the Lord. He means more than anything. I love His message of hope. When I sing, I lift Him up in praise.

Jesus Is Most Important

Anything that the world puts ahead of Jesus is not worth living for. Only through following Jesus will be saved. He should be our number one focus.

Be A Witness For Jesus

Give the Lord your heart. Be a witness of His truths. Share His love to the world. Everyone deserves a chance to be saved in God’s Kingdom.

The Lord Helps Us Overcome Sin

Even as we are sinners the lord saw compassion on us. He died that all sinners would have a broken heart and come to Him.

In Trials Trust In Jesus

Pray to God in times of trials. Ask in faith and He will give you patience. There is no need for us to deal with trials on our own.

The Lord Looks At The Heart

Worship the Lord with your whole heart. Give your life over to Him. The Lord is always with us and is searching our heart daily.

The Lord Is Beautiful

Come to know the Lord. Let His beauty radiate in your life. Bless the Lord for the beautiful earth we live in. Be thankful each day for all the Lord offers us.

Praise The Lord In Song

I love to praise You, Lord. I love to worship You. When I sing, I sing out in praise. With all of my heart I will give You glory. I live my life for You.

The Lord Will Never Forsake Us

We all go through hard times and a lot of times we feel alone. In those times come to Jesus. He is always with us and will never forsake us.

Trust In The Lord

We don’t need to bear the world on our own. We have a Savior that loves us and will comfort us. He will lift us up and give us strength.

My Faith Is In Jesus

Each day my faith in Jesus is strengthened. As I read the Word of God it testifies of Him. As I pray I can feel His holy presence.

As We Seek Jesus We Will Love Him

If you haven’t found Jesus in your life devote today to follow Him. As you seek Him you will begin to find a new love for Him.

Come To Jesus And Repent

Each time you sin seek the Lord’s forgiveness. Let the Lord know you are sorry. Let Him heal your heart. For His love will change your life.

Jesus Deserves All Praise

Jesus, You are so my King. I worship You. I lift my hands up to You Jesus. You are worthy of All praise. Let us all adore our Savior and Lord.

Put Aside Your Sins For Jesus

There are many things in life that will pull us away from following Jesus. We need to focus on Him or else we will easily fall into wrong paths in life.

When Marriage Is Hard Seek The Lord

Even when times are hard stick by your spouse. Tell them that you love them. Seek the Lord’s love so that you may love your spouse with an even greater love.

Love Your Spouse And Pray Always

If we love the Lord, we will seek Him always. Each time we come to the Lord in prayer let us pray for our spouse. That we might grow together in the Lord.

The Lord’s Blessings

The Lord blesses us so often. He has given us so much to be thankful for. All we have is because of His matchless love towards us.

Cast Your Burdens On The Lord

Jesus will lift your burdens. He will sustain you when things are difficult. He will give you rest when you are weary. For He loves us.

We Are Alive In Jesus

Give your whole heart to Jesus. Give up a life of sin. Let Jesus change you from within. Let Him heal your heart. That we can be made alive in Him.

Be Filled With God’s Word Daily

The word of God is a light to my path. It over powers darkness. For the Lord is my guide. I am no longer lost as I read His truth each day.

When I Finally Make It Home

Can you imagine the day when you are taken you up to Heaven to meet Jesus? If this is hard to imagine than come to Jesus. Let His love fill your hearts.

Love Is The Key

Let Jesus’s love burn in your soul. For it is like nothing you have ever felt. When you experience it you will never go back to how you once were.

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