What does it mean to praise God from the inside out? It means that as much as we love Jesus on the outside that we long for Him also in the inside. That we not only share His love with others but also desire for the Holy Spirit to guide us from within. That we go to church and praise Him in song and in our heart desire for His presence. That we have faith in Him and also give up any addiction that takes our heart away from Him. That we talk of Him and live His word in our lives. That we read His Holy word and strive to follow it each day. That each day our devotion for Jesus can be a representation of how we feel for Him in our hearts. Let us never forget that Jesus knows our heart. He knows when we are just talking the talk and not walking in His walk. We need to stand apart from the world. Let Jesus’s light shine bright from within you.
We need to trust God. We need to give our whole heart to Him. That we might follow him from the inside out. We need to lose ourselves in the mercy of Jesus. This is the only way we can truly give Him praise. He needs to know that are we all in. That His spirit can find rest in our soul. Let Jesus consume you. Let Him tear out anything that doesn’t give Him glory. We need to cry out to Him with all our heart. From the depths of our heart let us praise Him. Let us seek Him each day. Let each day be a revival for Jesus. There is nothing worth more in life than Him. I pray that we can be consumed in His love. For it changes lives. His love is like a wild fire in my soul. It never runs dry. I give my heart to you Jesus. If I share your truth I will live it also. I may not be perfect but I will seek You so that you can make me strong. I live my life for you Jesus. You are worth all praise!
Jeremiah 17:7-10
7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord.
8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.
9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
10 I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

Artist: Hillsong United
Album: United We Stand (2006)
Song: From The Inside Out (Live)