New Jerusalem Will Come Down, Not Built
Mormons claim that they will build the New Jerusalem. This was taught by Joseph Smith. Unfortunately, it is a false teaching.
Mormons claim that they will build the New Jerusalem. This was taught by Joseph Smith. Unfortunately, it is a false teaching.
The moment you enter through the LDS temple doors, you are taking away God’s judgments and making yourself a God.
Mormons think their temples are helping them and dead people. What they don’t realize is this is Satan’s playground, and nothing from God.
Mormons are scared to know the truth. Asking them to visit a website outside their church is a no go. Same goes for videos calls.
Everything people do for dead people inside these beautiful buildings is not of God. Nothing done for the dead is accepted by the Lord either.
There are no second chances in the afterlife, and 1 Corinthians 15:29 does not refer to people in the church doing baptisms for the dead.
Before you get the Mormon discussions, let me help you understand how these beliefs are false according to the Bible.
The verse that Mormons take out of context in the Bible, more than any other, comes in 1 Corinthians 15, verse 29.
To every Mormon. Please stop baptizing people into a cult. God does not approve. Repent and come to the true Jesus of the Bible.
The Mormon Temple is of the devil. If you are going to these temples, then you need to stop in order for Satan to leave you.
I bear witness that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. He was a con-man, adulterer, and was not led by God, but Satan.
It is because of the Mormon temples that these lost people believe they will be exalted to Godhood.
Mormons deny the teaching in Revelation 21:1, where it says New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
Mormon families are sealed together by men who are not acting for God, but Satan.
Mormons go through marriage sealings that extend into heaven, although Jesus taught that there is no marriage in heaven.
In this last ceremony the Mormon prepare for death and ressurection.
This they do by washing each other’s feet’s.
In this second anointing portion, the the wife is anointed to Godhood. As she is sealed to her husband, she is then able to have as many children as she wants in heaven.
The husband is given the power to become a God, to seal people to eternal life, along being ordained to a priest or king unto God.
The marks on the temple veil are mentioned and described. How they are in representation to the garments people wear.
Does clothing help us overcome sin and temptation? No. Only the Holy Spirit in us does this. Come on Mormons. Burn that underwear, for it is not of God.
During the initiatory session in the Mormon temples, they anoint different parts of a person’s body as proxy for a dead person.
Imagine if some random person began touching your breast or vitals (genitals) area that you didn’t even know. Wouldn’t you call this sexual harassment?
What the Mormons are doing in the their temples is the same thing that mediums do when they invoke the dead.
We are warned about not being led by false teachers or doing things in secret. Instead of giving into what appears to be good, we expose them as evil.
The third covenant that Mormons make during their endowment ceremonies is the “Law of Chastity”.
The second covenant that Mormons make, while in the endowment sessions of their temples, is called “the Law of the Gospel”.
There are four covenants made by people who enter Mormon temples. We will go through all four, starting with the first one, the Law of Sacrifice Covenant.
Be prepared to learn something about Mormonism that is very disturbing concerning their temples. This information is not something that the LDS church wants anyone to know about.
Jesus is speaking of cult members, who attempt to go in another way into heaven, and not through the simplicity in Christ Jesus.