The Proud Have Forged A Lie Against Me
Those who are proud mock me and other Christians, when it comes to our views against the LGBTQ community.
Those who are proud mock me and other Christians, when it comes to our views against the LGBTQ community.
God’s Word is what convicts us of our sins. If people simply read the Bible daily, then fewer people would be living apart from God but for Him.
Humble yourself like unto a child and ask God to help you understand His ways. Then You will learn what is true from His Word.
Ask God to open your eyes so that You might see and know His laws. Ask the Lord to help you understand His commandments.
The curse of Cain, being black skin, is a Mormon teaching only and not taught in Christianity, nor being in the Bible.
I know this might be a touchy subject for some people, it might either make you uncomfortable or even have you in outright denial. If you are one of these people just know I am
Where are the golden plates? Did they ever exist at all or was Joseph Smith really a con-man, of which lied about it?
This article is my introduction as an author to the website. I hope you enjoy!
the resurrection of life is changed in the Book of Mormon to everlasting life, and the resurrection of damnation to everlasting damnation.
This is a wicked and adulterous generation and this sin of homosexuality is sending millions of people straight to hell when they die.
Only fake Christians celebrate pride month with the LGBTQ. These are those who are unsaved and are lost in their sinful state.
The Book of Mormon states that Jesus was born in Jerusalem, where the Bible says in Bethlehem. The Bible is right.
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Book of Mormon by adding to and removing parts of the Book of Revelation in this book.
The validity of the Book of Mormon is challenged by checking out three pieces of plagiarism when compared to the Bible.
Mormonism is led by Satan, of which he has called false prophets to deceive people. It started with Joseph Smith, a con man.
Catholics make all kinds of idols for Mary and the Saints, of which never talk and do nothing to help them when they pray.
Speaking of anyone who says they believe in a different Jesus than in Christianity, these are false teachers, which should cause anyone to resign from a cult like this.
The Bible teaches that the sons of Zedekiah were slain before the king of Babylon. The Book of Mormon teaches that a son survived.
Christians are sick and tired of the Mormon false beliefs and claims about their being an apostasy and a need for a restoration.
We shall not be found empty but full when we learn to fear God. For in so doing, we are mindful of His commandments.
David knew about the Father and our Lord, Jesus. He knew that they are both Lord, but that His Lord was Jesus.
As Christians, we are a reproach to the wicked. Those who are evil do not approve of what we stand for when it comes to God.
Mormon families are sealed together by men who are not acting for God, but Satan.
Mormons go through marriage sealings that extend into heaven, although Jesus taught that there is no marriage in heaven.
In this last ceremony the Mormon prepare for death and ressurection.
This they do by washing each other’s feet’s.
In this second anointing portion, the the wife is anointed to Godhood. As she is sealed to her husband, she is then able to have as many children as she wants in heaven.
The husband is given the power to become a God, to seal people to eternal life, along being ordained to a priest or king unto God.
The marks on the temple veil are mentioned and described. How they are in representation to the garments people wear.
Does clothing help us overcome sin and temptation? No. Only the Holy Spirit in us does this. Come on Mormons. Burn that underwear, for it is not of God.
During the initiatory session in the Mormon temples, they anoint different parts of a person’s body as proxy for a dead person.