Repent And Abide In The Lord

Let the Lord convict you of your sins. Cry unto God and ask for forgiveness. May these desires lead you to pray often and seek God’s hand in your life.

The Resurrection Of Our Lord

After Jesus’s mother and Mary Magdalene went their way to bring word of the resurrection of Jesus to His disciples, Jesus appeared in their midst.

Do You Truly Love God?

If you have not given your life to Jesus, do so today. No longer delay the day of your salvation. The Lord is waiting.

Walk In God’s Holiness

Know this that God does not live in wicked people or places. He is holy, and if you desire to be in His presence, you ought to also live for Him.

Live Apart From Sin

There was a time, in days past, that each of us lived apart from God. We did what the lusts of the flesh desired.

Are You Ready To Die?

It is a very sad day when a family member or friend passes away, that didn’t believe in God for salvation.

In Humility, Pray To God

Commune with the Lord, anytime of the day, in prayer. It isn’t about numbers. God is always waiting for us to find rest in His presence.

Preaching On Isaiah 53

One gentlemen stood there listening to the preaching, so I approached him. I asked if he was a follower of Jesus. His response was that he was Mormon.

Live By Faith

If your heart has drawn cold to the things of God, then wake up from your slumber. No longer be on the fence of doing God’s will over what the world offers.

Follow Jesus And Sin Not

Jesus loves you. He paid the price for our sins on the cross that we might be forgiven. He gave us a chance to live again if we believe and follow Him.

Jesus Died Unto Sin

Because Jesus died for me, I have life. My old life is dead with Christ. Through Him I am made alive forever. A fire has been set in my heart that cannot be contained.

The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

It is a blessing to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Jesus did die for our sins on the cross. We can receive forgiveness if we confess our sins and humble ourselves before Him.

Baptized Into Christ Jesus

When we follow Jesus through baptism, our lives are changed forever. As we go down into the water, Christ is with us, unto death.

Jesus Can Free Us From Sin

Be true followers of Jesus. Don’t let anything hold you back. Let Jesus cleanse your heart. Walk in rightlessness. For its gift is Eternal Life.

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