Leviticus 18 :21,22 (KJV)
21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.
22 Thou...
The Truth About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is more than a sin, but is an abomination to God. Therefore, it needs to be addressed more so than ever before.
Pride Month Is Of The Devil
Pride month is of the devil. One day every homosexual will have to give an account to God, while first suffering in hell.
Strange Fire: Part 2
If we do things that are unholy unto God, just know that there are consequences to every one of these actions also.
Leviticus 27:33
Leviticus 27 :33 (KJV)
33 He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall...
Tithing: Old Covenant
In the old covenant people gave a certain percentage unto the Lord, whereas in the new covenant we give what God puts on our hearts.
Leviticus 26:1
Leviticus 26 :1 (KJV)
1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow...
Keep Or Not Keep The Commandments?
If you love God, then you will also keep His commandments. Those who do not are His enemies and He is not their God.
Leviticus 25:1-4
Leviticus 25 :1-4 (KJV)
1 And the Lord spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,
2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give...
Year-Long Sabbath Anyone?
There was a time when people observed a year-long sabbath, but those days are over. The seventh day is still ok to rest on, however.
Leviticus 24:1,2
Leviticus 24 :1,2 (KJV)
1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to...
Never Let Your Light Go Dim
Willful sin tears us away from God and causes our light to go dim and then out completely. Only God can help this to not happen.
Leviticus 23:22
Leviticus 23 :22 (KJV)
22 And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning...
Imparting Our Money To The Poor And Needy
It is important to not just take care of the needs of our family, but also put some of our money aside for people in need.
Leviticus 22:1-3
Leviticus 22 :1-3 (KJV)
1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that...
Clean Or Unclean Before God?
Our choice in life is to live for God in His righteousness or live for the flesh in our uncleanness. Only through God is their mercy.
Leviticus 21:7-9
Leviticus 21 :7-9 (KJV)
7 They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy unto his God....
Playing The Whore
To be sexually active before marriage is called fornication. This is playing the whore in our promiscuity, which God hates.
Leviticus 20:26,27
Leviticus 20 :26,27 (KJV)
26 And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine.
27 A man also or...
Necromancy In The Mormon Church
It is an abomination to call upon dead people. This is called necromancy, which God frowns upon and also condemns.
Leviticus 18:19-21
Leviticus 18 :19-21 (KJV)
19 Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.
20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with...
Pornography: Thou Shalt Not Uncover
If anyone believes that they can simply look at pornography and still be right with God, they have something coming come judgment day.
Leviticus 20:12,13
Leviticus 20 :12,13 (KJV)
12 And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them.
Homosexuality Is An Abomination To God
Homosexuals will be judged for the abominations they committed while on earth. Only if they repent will they escape hell.
Leviticus 20:1-3
Leviticus 20 :1-3 (KJV)
1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that...
The Grave Sin Of Molech And Abortion
God’s wrath is upon those who are involved in abortion and in agreeance of keeping it legal. This will be made known on judgment day.
Leviticus 19:31
Leviticus 19 :31 (KJV)
31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.
Familiar Spirits In Mormonism
God has warned us against calling upon dead people. They are called mediums, and will have their part in the lake of fire if they don’t repent.
Leviticus 19:15
Leviticus 19 :15 (KJV)
15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy...
Righteous Judgments
Most people, including atheists, the LGBTQ, and others know about Matthew, chapter 7. They like to use verse 1 against Christian evangelists who are sharing the gospel message to the lost. They hate it when