
Sinner’s Prayer (10/15/2021)

Oh Lord, I come to You in all my confessions. I know that I am not sin free, but have many things that You need to change in my life. Many sinful actions have caused me to be very sad. It breaks my heart to fall and lose the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. To think that I have grieved the Holy Spirit causes me to cry out to You for mercy. Forgive me, Lord. I no longer wish to do things that cause a rift between our relationship. My conscience has spoken and has helped me know of many things that are wrong in my life. Take those bad habits and addictions, and tear them to pieces. No longer have them be a part of who I am. Instead, make me whole through the Holy Spirit. Bring to my attention anything else also that may I am doing wrong that You hate. Give me strength to resist temptation, that I might live for You instead. I come before You and admit that I am a sinner and need Your blood to cover me. Without the sacrifice You made for us on the cross, forgiveness, and mercy would be an afterthought. Thankfully, You love us so much, Jesus, as to die for our sins. We don’t deserve Your great love and patience, but You continue to display it nonetheless. I love You, Lord. Remember me when my life is done. I trust in You, God. Amen.
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