Oh Lord, may this new year be in your favor and not mine. Liken my life even more so to Your will and not my own. Help me to be more loving towards others, as you are so loving towards me. May I learn to forgive others, as You have forgiven me of my sins. Allow my thoughts to be upon You at all times, that I may not slip and fall into willful sin. My desire is to live my life entirely for You, and I need the Holy Spirit with me to do so. I am not strong on my own, but Your strength is what builds me up when I seek You. Keep me far from temptation, that I may serve You with a clean conscience and not having been stained through worldly pleasures. And Lord, as I read the Bible daily, teach me. Give me counsel, and help me apply Your teachings to my everyday life. I hope to get so much more out of scripture this year, so open my eyes to see the value of not only every chapter but every verse and words that are written. For in You is life eternal, and I wish that I may learn and grow in the faith. My own thinking is skewed by the ways of the world, but Your Words help take all the nonsense and false teachings out of the equation and push them aside. It is my desire to be in line with Your correct teachings, that I may walk in the good works that You have ordained for my life. Surely, Lord, You have given me eyes to see the truths of the gospel and I hope to be a better minister of it to the world. So shine down upon me, that all the world will know that Jesus saves. I love You, Lord. I am so happy that I gave my life to You those many years ago. This new life has brought so much joy, happiness, and love in my life, and I give You thanks. I praise You. Thank You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (01/01/2020)
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