Many times we make new years resolutions, and although we had good intentions of keeping them, time did not permit us to keep up with it. This can be said for wanting to go to the gym each week and lose so much weight or other personal goals we set. However, it is because we are trying to do all this on our own is where things get difficult. It wasn’t that our goals were wrong, but that we could not do everything on our own. However, when we stop and look to God for answers, then things are made possible with any resolution we make. If it is wanting to lose weight, stop drinking alcohol, stop looking at pornography, read the Bible daily, pray often during the day, and find a ministry to serve in, where people can be blessed. These types of goals are good when God is working with us. And because of this, these types of goals and others with the Lord’s help is more than doable, for we have God’s presence with us every step of the way. I know this to be true, for the day that I set a resolution, not too long ago, to stop looking at pornography, and instead start reading the Bible daily, pray more often, and start witnessing God’s truths to others, is when everything changed. From the beginning of that journey and to where I am today, God has been with me. And I am happy to report that pornography has been cast out of my life for good for some time now. I actually despise it now and hate what porn does to the person who looks at it and people they are around. Where the Bible, prayer, and doing God’s will is most important to me now.
In these last four years, my passion to read the Bible daily has been burning inside of me. It is no longer a chore to do, but a part of who I am now. Therefore, the first thing I do now when I get home from work is open the Bible and read. I do this, my friends, since God’s Words in scripture and what He can speak to me now means most to me. I dearly love the Lord God with all my heart. So what Jesus says in scriptures speaks to my soul directly. Even these verses in Matthew, chapter 16, mean so much to me. 1“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.” (Matthew 16:24-27) You see, Jesus desires for all men, women, and children to come unto Him. I am one of already millions that have done so, but that are so many people out there that have not believed in Jesus for salvation. So this year, allow Jesus to take a hold of your life, that you may follow Him wholeheartedly. Don’t only make resolutions to follow Jesus, but make this a reality. And know that Jesus is waiting for you to call upon His Name. He also wants to teach you so much through the Bible and while in prayer. God bless you in your new journey of losing your life to follow Jesus.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, may this new year be in your favor and not mine. Liken my life even more so to Your will and not my own. Help me to be more loving towards others, as you are so loving towards me. May I learn to forgive others, as You have forgiven me of my sins. Allow my thoughts to be upon You at all times, that I may not slip and fall into willful sin. My desire is to live my life entirely for You, and I need the Holy Spirit with me to do so. I am not strong on my own, but Your strength is what builds me up when I seek You. Keep me far from temptation, that I may serve You with a clean conscience and not having been stained through worldly pleasures. And Lord, as I read the Bible daily, teach me. Give me counsel, and help me apply Your teachings to my everyday life. I hope to get so much more out of scripture this year, so open my eyes to see the value of not only every chapter but every verse and words that are written. For in You is life eternal, and I wish that I may learn and grow in the faith. My own thinking is skewed by the ways of the world, but Your Words help take all the nonsense and false teachings out of the equation and push them aside. It is my desire to be in line with Your correct teachings, that I may walk in the good works that You have ordained for my life. Surely, Lord, You have given me eyes to see the truths of the gospel and I hope to be a better minister of it to the world. So shine down upon me, that all the world will know that Jesus saves. I love You, Lord. I am so happy that I gave my life to You those many years ago. This new life has brought so much joy, happiness, and love in my life, and I give You thanks. I praise You. Thank You, God. Amen.
Let us read the Bible:
Note: Any Numbered References, found above, are listed below.