Today’s Prayer (05/21/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, I am so grateful to be brought out of this world. I was so filthy for way to many years. There was truly no hope for me. All my fears had gone wild for the life I was living. There was no true love that existed. My lusts brought me temporary joy but always pain and regret. Sorrow took over and brought sadness to my soul. To think that I thought I was lost forever, until I found You. Thank You for hearing my cries and taking me away from the evils in my life. I needed love that lasted and You brought it. Thank You for hearing my confessions and leading me on the right path. I am so grateful for Your mercy. My life had no meaning but now I am alive. You have breathed new life into my soul. My sins are washed away and I am a new man. If I have hope, it is because of You Jesus. You have replaced all my sorrow with gladness. I am filled with Your strength. Thank You Lord. I am blessed to know You and to follow You. I love You. Amen.
May 21, 2018
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