Today’s Prayer (05/15/2018)

Daily Prayer:
I pray this day Lord, that people of all ways of life will come out of their shadows and seek something greater in life. May they see down deep in their soul that they are lost and need a Savior. Open their eyes to the evils of this world. Help them see the hole they are in. May these people come out of their place of darkness and seek what is light. I know that they can only find the goodness, that the flesh truly desires, in You. People can create all kinds of substitutions for love but it will all come to an end, some day. Only Your love is eternal. Only it will radiate for all times and season. Lift these people out of their bondage. Help break the chains of addictions. Humble them, that they may repent and be made clean, even this very hour. Come inside of them and cast away all sin. May they be filled with the Spirit of God. Oh Lord, I pray for this transformation to start today. I hope to see all these wonderful people inside Your fold. This is my heart’s desire, to help lead them to You. My life is for You Lord, and Your people. I love You. Amen.
May 15, 2018
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