Today’s Prayer (05/08/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, I pray that as Christians, we also live out our faith. When we know we ought to do something and do not, help us remember to repent and make things right with You. Help us to remember to say sorry when we hurt one another. So many times, do we let fear get the best of us also, when we do things on our own. If we just knew that You are there, the whole time, to give us rest, we’d be so much better off. Help us to look to You at all times. I put my trust in You, Lord. I know that times are hard but You can make things better. You bring peace into my life when there is only strife. You help me show love and compassion to others in need. My heart is full of love when You are near but full of discord when I pull away. Help me to keep you by my side always. May the evil one not have control over me. May His temptations be no match to Your presence in my life. You make me stronger. You make me a better person. I am changed by Your love, each and every day of my life. Thank You Lord. I love You. Amen.
May 8, 2018
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