How easy it is to fall under sexual sin in the world we live in. Everywhere we look people are dressing immodestly. In our everyday TV shows men and women are not fully dressed and there is a lot to be desired. The best way companies have found to promote their products is through sex. Pornographic websites are the most searched out sites. If we are not careful we will stop shunning this type of dress and accept it. The world wants to tell us that it doesn’t matter how people dress and that it is good and acceptable. This is a big problem for all Christians who want to live a moral life style. I’m sure many of you have either gone through this sin and have since overcame it or are still struggling with it by way of pornography, fornication or adultery.
I want you to know that I am no different. Sexual sin was once a part of my life. The only way that I was able to get free of it was by putting the Lord first in my life. The first thing I did was pray to my Mighty God asking Him to forgive me. I pleaded with Him since I didn’t understand how I could ever be forgiven. I had promised many times to Him that I would change my life if he would cast the sin out of me. However, I was never sincere about it and always went back to doing it again. On July 12th 2015, before I went to bed I fell down on my knees and told Him how sorry I was. How I knew it was bad and that I needed His help so badly. I could feel His overwhelming presence and it brought me to tears. I knew He loved me and wanted to help me. Then I had the experience the next day in the car listening to the song “Life Song”. Please see the Other Devotional for this experience.
Since that day I have made many changes in my life in order to be free of sexual sin. I’ve attended a Sexual Purity class. I’ve put pornography blocks on my computer that block pornographic ads and sites. I listen to either Christian Music or Christian Talk Radio. I go to Church on Sundays and truly worship my Lord through song. I take notes during the worship sermons. I read the Bible each day. I pray to God several times a day and seek His presence. When Satan is tempting me I pray and if I have access to music I’ll put on Christian Music.
If you have an issue with sexual sin in your life come to the Lord with it. Discover a new relationship with Him. Give your sin to Him. Only through doing so will he change your heart from within. You will begin to set yourselves apart from the world. Your eyes will be shielded from what the world offers. You will begin to hate the sin and speak out against it. Let us start today to put Jesus first in our lives. Jesus casts out all sin!
1 Corinthians 6:18-20
18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Artist: Chris Tomlin
Album: See The Morning (2006)
Song: Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
praise the lord really very blessed story may God bless more and more in days to come Amen..