Utah Mission Trip (10/12/17)

While talking with this man, Patrick brought up the fact that during the crucifixion of Jesus, the veil of the temple was ripped in half.

Prayer For Mine Enemies

Don’t worry about those that rise up against you. There are enemies against the faith of God but even they can be saved.

Thou Lovest Evil More Than Good

God loves the humble for they are open to receive Him. God’s counsel is taken with thanks. They are open to see the wickedness in their hearts.

Passing Out Bibles To Everyone

After we left this neighborhood, Patrick, Jaron and I, all went downtown to continue passing out the “Gospel of John” booklets.

Living For The Will Of The Father

What you’ve once done for the Lord will mean nothing, if you are now living in habitual sin. You can’t say, Lord, but what about the mission trip I did 2 years ago.

Repent And Heed The Words Of God

The Lord God knows who loves or hates His words. Most people would rather walk in the ways of the world then change their ways.

Let Almighty God Dwell Within You

Submit your lives to God. No longer let the members of your body fight inside of you. There is nothing good that can come from this.

Come To Know God And Give Praise

Choose ye, this day, whom you will serve. I pray that your heart is compelled to repent, if you are in sin. If you are covered by the blood of Jesus, then rejoice.

God Is Our Refuge

My greatest delight is to know that God is with me. I know that as I march through the battles of life, He is by my side.


We go through hard times, like our neighbor does. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they responded to help us. As Christians, we ought to give care for the needy.

Preaching On Reading The Bible

We are so blessed to be led by the God of the heavens. I asked the people to cherish every day that they have to read it and pray to God often.

The Joy Of The Lord

Jesus has done such great things in my life. Because of this, I know He can do even greater things for each of you.

Have You Forgotten God?

The heart of the Lord is pure. He is virtuous above all things. There is only holiness in the Lord. His ways are higher than anything in this world.

Are You Born Again?

The greatest joy we can have in our lives is through the love of Jesus. His love changes us to become men and women of valor.

God’s Mercy, Our Mercy

Get back up when you sin. Humble yourself and come to God in prayer for deliverance. God continues to beckon us home, though we have strayed.

Preaching On Isaiah 53

One gentlemen stood there listening to the preaching, so I approached him. I asked if he was a follower of Jesus. His response was that he was Mormon.

Judge Me, O God

Thank the Lord for caring so deeply for your life. Without even thinking about it, God helps us get back on His path of righteousness.

Thirst For The Lord, In Trials

If you are weak, then come to the waters of Jesus. In Him, you will never thirst again. He holds the waters of everlasting life.

Come Back To Jesus

If any of you have strayed from the path of God then get on your knees now and pray. Confess your sins before the Lord.

Heaven Or Hell Awaits

There will be a day when everyone will be judged before the Lord, Jesus Christ. He can see the person we are today and the person we can become.

Preaching On Matthew 19

If we are following God’s commandments then we are also loving one another, including the poor and afflicted and following Him.

The Rich Man And Lazarus

As Christians, we are to stand apart from the world. Lend a helping hand and even help pay for someone’s groceries that are unable to themselves.

Are You In Idolatry?

Worshipping idols includes, spending our time and effort into having the luxuries in life through money, spending most of our time on our cell phones or watching or playing games on TV.

Judgement Is Coming

Let us now review our own lives before God. If you died today, would you be ready to meet Jesus in judgement?

Fallen Into Sin? Repent!

We know that habitual sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God. However, this doesn’t mean we won’t ever sin.

No Greater Love Than Jesus

What an amazing love to have Jesus die for our sins on the cross. We are no longer condemned but alive in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sharing Our Love For Jesus

It is an honor to serve the King of Glory. God is all powerful and I am honored to follow Him. I delight to do His will.

The Ten Virgins

Jesus teaches that five of the virgins carried their lamps with oil to light their path. They could see what dangers were before them and stand against it.

Do You Want To Go To Heaven?

Do your favorite things have God in the mix? Is your favorite book, the Bible or other books? This life we are leading can either go two directions.

Who Do You Follow?

Paul taught about people being divided in the faith. Some would say to him, “I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.”