Halloween Is The Day Of The Devil
Do not celebrate Halloween. It is of the devil. Stay in the light of Jesus and don’t allow the darkness to seep into your lives.
Do not celebrate Halloween. It is of the devil. Stay in the light of Jesus and don’t allow the darkness to seep into your lives.
Only through Jesus can homosexuals understand that their actions are so vile and sinful in the sight of God and repent.
Our faith in Jesus Christ leads us to repent and be baptized. This is when we die to ourselves and rise up into newness of life.
We are all called to be good Samaritans towards others in need. There is always somebody we can help but are you willing?
God desires that we are made clean. That our sins are washed away. This way our desires are changed to do his will instead.
In humility, cry out to God for forgiveness and for wisdom. Then, think outside yourself and pray for friends and family also.
We worship Jesus because of our faith. But it doesn’t stop here. Since we’ve repented and are born again, His good works are in us.
God takes pride in His creation. Even in His land and sea creatures. Those who saw two of them could not stop but be terrified.
Rise up as men and women of God. Go forth and put on God’s glory and beauty. Be arrayed in His majesty and excellency.
Have you made your TV, your idol? You have if more time is spent with it than with God. Repent now if you are found in idolatry.
False gods bring in racism and other false teachings. Therefore, read the Bible and allow God to cast out every false belief.
God knows every animal and their make up, just like He knows us. All of God’s creation have their unique purpose in His kingdom.
Make sure that your faith is alive in Christ. Otherwise, sin may be abounding in You. Repent if you have strayed from following Jesus.
Even in our darkest moments in life, God still wants to speak to us. Only through His presence can we find wisdom and peace.
What the Lord God does for us on earth, we will never comprehend. All He asks is that we fear Him and do as He says.
God hears our prayers. He is looking for people who will pray for others who are sick, without fear, while looking to Him in faith.
Jesus is mighty to save. Every person who believes in Him are also His followers. Otherwise, they are counted with the wicked.
Come and extol the Lord for His goodness. Rejoice in God, our Savior. Praises be unto Jesus, this day and forevermore.
People can call us prideful or self-righteous, but God knows our hearts. It is God who makes us holy and righteous not people.
True believers in the faith do not attack others, but reason with them with love if answers are needed. And Jesus helps us do this.
Ask the Lord God to keep you upright in His sight. That no more will secret sins be a part of who you are in His kingdom.
Oh, that people would have a heart to fear God and keep His commandments in our time as in the past. This is God’s desire for us.
We don’t cut ourselves like people of the world do. This is because we are now different than others, even God’s holy people.
Tattoos are evil since they cover God’s holy temple. This brings darkness into our lives and God’s light is now far from us.
God is able to transport us in the Holy Spirit. However, only those people who abide in the Lord Jesus can encounter God like this.