Jesus, I Believe

Jesus, You are the one I believe in. There is nothing on earth more important than You. You are who I live for. For You are my salvation.

Baptized Into Christ Jesus

When we follow Jesus through baptism, our lives are changed forever. As we go down into the water, Christ is with us, unto death.

Judgement Is Coming

Let us now review our own lives before God. If you died today, would you be ready to meet Jesus in judgement?

God’s Mercy, Our Mercy

Get back up when you sin. Humble yourself and come to God in prayer for deliverance. God continues to beckon us home, though we have strayed.

Jesus Is Alive

The Lord’s sacrifice was for us all. Because of the cross our sins are forgiven. After death Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive.

Jesus Rose From The Dead And Is Alive

Jesus Christ is alive. And now we are called to preach the gospel in all nations. The message being that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected the third day.

Is God Your Protector?

God is your protector if He dwells in you. If not, then willful sin is present instead. You must make a choice whom you will serve.

Saturday Door Knocking (03/30/24)

We talked about Joseph Smith’s false prophecies, and how he said that Jesus would return in 1891, which never happened.  How, he said that New Jerusalem would be built and dedicated by his hand, which never happened.

Rescued From The Mormon Church

Only through God can we be safe in this life. Through Him and His Words, in the Bible, we can know what is truth and be led safely on His path, that leads to heaven.

Baptisms: Angela And Toni

Next up for baptism was Toni. And her having back problems, Gage and I helped her into the water. The three of us men then helped support Toni, as I got ready to baptize her.

The Road To Emmaus

Three days after Jesus’s death, there were two men walking to the village Emmaus. This is when Jesus appeared to them.

Trials In Life

Paul surely was a man of God who loved the Lord, even if it meant great persecution would be in his path or his own death.