The Resurrection Of The Dead
In reference to the resurrection of the dead, this was the reason why the Jews were upset with Paul. How interesting this is, since Daniel taught the very same thing that Paul taught concerning this topic.
In reference to the resurrection of the dead, this was the reason why the Jews were upset with Paul. How interesting this is, since Daniel taught the very same thing that Paul taught concerning this topic.
To think of the cross, we must first understand what first took place there. As Paul said, while he declared the gospel, “Christ died for our sins”.
After Jesus’s mother and Mary Magdalene went their way to bring word of the resurrection of Jesus to His disciples, Jesus appeared in their midst.
I pray that our faith may be like Martha’s. Let us give our lives to Christ and live for Him. Death will come to each of us. It is our faith that determines our outcome.
The wicked and the righteous shall both be resurrected. But only those in Christ shall be saved, while others will be punished.
Through the resurrection of Jesus I’ve been given newness of life. The story of His resurrection speaks to His goodness.
I am so grateful that He bore my sins. I know that Jesus rose from the dead. There is new life only found in Him.
What has brought me closer to Christ than ever before is understanding the true meaning of the cross and also His resurrection.
Jesus is the giver of eternal life. Those who believe in Him will one day be resurrected unto life, come death and judgment.
My precious Jesus. You are the reason why I live. Your mercy has set me free. The cross has given me hope for a new day. Thank You Lord.
Our faith means nothing if Jesus never rose from the grave. Thankfully, He defeated the grave and is alive and working today.
In John’s vision, he also saw people be given thrones in heaven and even the ability to judge. He also saw the people that were beheaded, because of their faith in Christ.
The moment you enter through the LDS temple doors, you are taking away God’s judgments and making yourself a God.
Do not be deceived into following any teaching from a seducing spirit. Trust in God and read the Bible that you may not be led astray.
Many false teachings can come into a church, when new “so-called” revelation begins to override what the Bible teaches.
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
If baptisms for the dead was performed by church leaders in the past, then these writings would be available to Christians today.
the resurrection of life is changed in the Book of Mormon to everlasting life, and the resurrection of damnation to everlasting damnation.
The Mormon Church teaches that people can be married for time and all eternity. Meaning their marriage will continue after this life.
Some people would rather keep believing something contrary to the Bible in order to not break up families and relationships.