The Sin Of Homosexuality

Every homosexual needs Jesus in order to be transformed. Pastors also need to step up and speak out against this grievous sin.

The Cross

Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected the third day. This is the gospel we preach. Even forgiveness of sins through Christ crucified.

Ask Your Questions To Jesus

Be found sincerely seeking Jesus through the Bible, prayer, worship, and other means. Then answers will be received by His hand.

Muslim Persecution Prophecy

In life, persecutions will come to those in the faith. But Jesus will help us through it all. He holds us in His mighty hands.

What The Bible Says About Rioting

As believers in Jesus, we are not to take part in or start riots, but are peaceable people. We love God the same as we love one another.

The Roles of The Holy Spirit

Is the Holy Spirit with you? If not, then let God fill you with the Spirit. Baptism is another way this gift is bestowed upon us.

The Fruits Of Our Salvation

Bring forth fruit unto salvation. This is Jesus working in your life. Dead faith is what keeps a person from going to heaven.

No More Death And Sorrow

Those who believe in and follow Jesus have nothing to fear come death. This is because He has brought them safely home.

A New Life In Christ Jesus

Allow Jesus to give you new life. Only He can give you the power to resist the devil. Through His hand, we receive eternal life.

Only One Way To Heaven

There is no other way to heaven but through Jesus alone. Therefore, keep your eyes fixed upon Him that you may not be deceived.

Jesus’s Birth: Matthew 2

We celebrate Jesus and His birth this time of year. Because He came, our sins can be forgiven, while our path is set in motion.

Jesus Said He Is God: Mark 2

Because Jesus is the “Son of Man”, that also makes Him the Lord our God. He has the power to heal us and to forgive us our sins.

Jesus Said He Is God: Luke 5

Because Jesus is the Son of Man, this means He is God. He holds the power to forgive our sins and to raise us up unto eternal life.

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