The Sin Of Homosexuality

Every homosexual needs Jesus in order to be transformed. Pastors also need to step up and speak out against this grievous sin.

When Persecution Rises

When people come against us because of our faith, we are to let our light shine even more so in proclaiming the name of Jesus.

When We Judge People Wrongfully

if we judge one another wrongfully, those same judgment calls are upon our own heads. Therefore, seek God’s guidance in all things.

All Have Sinned

We have all sinned before a righteous God. But when we come unto Jesus with a sincere heart, we are justified and made clean.

Cry Out To God

Why not now, cry out to God in all your confessions? Plead for His forgiveness and mercy while also telling Him how sorry you are.

Once Cut Off But Now Saved

Although we may have been cut off from God, God will bring us back to Him if we repent and call upon the name of Jesus.

Life Begins At Conception

The Bible teaches that life begins at conception. Therefore, if you are a believer in God and agree with what He says, then you are also pro-life and against abortion.