Counsel With The Lord

Each day that we live, seek after the Lord. If something sounds contrary to God’s will seek His counsel and abide by it.

Doctrines Of Men

A person that builds up their faith on prayer and the Bible is secure in God’s kingdom. These people have a right to share the truth of God with others, for the Lord is with them.

Praise Ye The Name Of The Lord

Lift your hands high and worship the Lord. Sing out in joyous praises to Jesus, our Savior. Allow your love to come out.

Book Of Mormon: Examining 5 Things

The Book of Mormon (BOM) is said to be the most correct book on earth, according to Mormons. For that reason, let us put it to the test.

Lay Down Your Pride

We need to be found wanting to be part of the Lord’s kingdom. We need to look past ourselves and look to God.

Gifts Of The Spirit

It is so important that we repent and get right with God. This way, we can be used by Him and do His will. And how can we do God’s will?

Joseph Smith Exposed

Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Flee From Pornography

With the Lord’s help we can do anything. Even a life of sin can be turned upside down. I felt the Lord’s forgiveness in my life and anyone else with this addiction can too.

The Gifts Of The Spirit

Some of you may recognize the gifts of the Spirit in your life, and others not so much. For me, God has given me the gift of wisdom, knowledge, faith, and to discern spirits.

Judgement Is Near

The Lord is looking into our hearts each day. He can see the legacy we are leaving behind. He can see the type of parent we are to our kids.

Baptisms: Angela And Toni

Next up for baptism was Toni. And her having back problems, Gage and I helped her into the water. The three of us men then helped support Toni, as I got ready to baptize her.

Consequences To Alcohol

Solomon continued to say, “Let not thine heart envy sinners.” It is unwise to want what they have. It also very foolish to be partakers in their same sins.

Utah Mission Trip (10/07/18)

Why is it that God cursed the white people of the Book of Mormon and caused them to have black skin when the God of the Bible doesn’t care about the outside appearance?

Always Remember Jesus

Every person that walks apart from God will be in trouble come judgement day. They will hear the words, “I never knew you”.

The Mount Of Transfiguration

So, as the story of the transfiguration continued, two key prophets from the Old Testament appeared. Namely, Moses and Elijah.

False Prophets

To follow any one but Christ alone leads to death. Our eyes must be opened to the Lord lest we fall into dark paths that don’t bear light.