Utah Mission Trip (04/05/22)

As Christians, we keep to the chosen books of the Bible and have been teaching from them for the last two thousand years.

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/22)

Through Jesus’s death on the cross, atonement was made for us. Adding Gethsemane is a false gospel and takes away from the cross.

Utah Mission Trip (04/03/22)

Jesus died for our sins and later rose from the grave. Not that Jesus paid for any sins in Gethsemane, as this is a false gospel.

Utah Mission Trip (04/02/22)

There is no need for temples since Jesus is our tabernacle. Same with priesthood, since Jesus is our last high priest.

Utah Mission Trip (04/01/22)

The Father is Spirit and an invisible God. We ought to worship Him in Spirit. He consists with the Son, and Spriit in one God.


God is still able to heal us of any of our diseases in the times are living in. Many who believe in Jesus have been healed.


In the new covenant, it is no longer necessary for male children to be circumcised. We also don’t judge others on this matter.

Strange Fire: Part 1

God takes what we do for Him very seriously. Everything we do for God, including our worship, should never be taken lightly.

Peace Offerings

Although we no longer give peace offerings to God like in the old covenant, we still give Him thanks in the way we serve Him.

The Trespass Offering

It is important to find out when we have sinned against God. To be confronted about these sins is necessary.

Qualities Of Our Lord

God is so merciful and just. His longsuffering and mercy have no end. No matter what we have done, there is forgiveness.

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