First Vision: Joseph Smith Never Saw The Father
No person has ever seen the Father in person and lived. Don’t let people fool you into believing their prophet has, unless it is a vision or dream.
No person has ever seen the Father in person and lived. Don’t let people fool you into believing their prophet has, unless it is a vision or dream.
A heresy in the Mormon Church is that Joseph Smith needs to let people into heaven and not Jesus. This makes Joseph their mediator.
Who will be there with the Lord? Those who have clean hands and a pure heart. These are those who know Jesus and obey His commands.
Those who are unsaved will be cast into the lake of fire. This is when the smoke of their torment will ascend up forever.
Every person who has died in the Lord is now in a better place. We have nothing to fear, for God has taken them.
Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross. Through His death, we receive the atonement for our sins. Payment in full.
Our willful and sinful lifestyle is not hidden before God. To cover it and not confess it means to willfully go to hell when we die.
If you are in trouble, your cries to God will be heard. No matter if the enemy is overpowering you now, He will defend thee.
The Lord God is here for us. If you are not right with Him now, then cry out to God in all your confessions.
God’s judgments are before me, and therefore I say, judge me now, Lord. If I am doing anything wrong, convict me of these evils.
Know that God in all His excellence will hear your prayers as you call upon His Name in all sincerity of heart.
Praise the Lord, for He is so good. He sees us where we are and shows His compassion. He is patiently waiting for us to come to Him.
We are called to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord. This is the life of a Christian.
God’s church is governed on earth and in heaven by way of the gifts of the Spirit, with Christ at the head.
It is blasphemy when people take the words of Jesus and say they are the sole source of the phrase and not Him.
There are over thirty chapters in the Bible that Joseph Smith copied and pasted into the Book of Mormon.
Because the Lord’s prayer is so sacred, we would not want anyone to change it. Any person that would is not for God.
If a book is known for its contradictions and plagiarism when it comes to the Bible, it must be thrown out at once.
To take verses from the Bible and make them our own is denying God and what He said. These people are false prophets.
Jesus will come and destroy the wicked. This includes those who are proud, which think they are above God’s laws.
False prophets are involved with adding and removing verses from the Bible. These people need to be exposed.
May the LORD God be praised. We don’t downplay God and His Name, but give Him all the praise and honor.
The Spirit of the LORD rested upon Jesus and He did the work of the Father. Therefore, the Father is Spirit.
If a person goes in and changes even one word or sentence in a chapter of the Bible, it changes the entire context.
When a person adds to the Bible it changes the entire story and slowly corrupts God’s Word until it is unrecognizable.
The devil has done a work through the Book of Mormon, which is to rename instances of LORD to Lord.
A thing that is common among false prophets is their willingness to change the Bible in order for it to conform to their false beliefs.
If someone ever changes the name of God from “LORD” to “Lord”, they are also desecrating His sacred Name.
God deserves the glory, not any person or anything. To say any different means that the Lord is not with you in your thoughts and beliefs.
The Bible is God’s Word. For someone to change what He has said in the Bible, this brings His wrath down upon them.