"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)

12 Things Christians Do
Psalm 31, from the Bible, helps us know what to do as Christians. #1, trust in the Lord. #2, be not ashamed of Jesus. #3, walk in God's righteousness ...

8 Sins To Cut Out Of Our Lives
Sin is evil and needs to be confessed to God immediately. Only then will He cut them out of our hearts and minds ...

A Blessing To Be Persecuted
People will come at us and say different things because of our faith. Some even do so, in order to discourage us. But do not get upset by it, instead respond in a positive way ...

A Burning Desire To Praise God
I know most us love God but have you ever just wanted to feel his presence so strong in your life that all you want to do is praise him? ...

A Cheerful Giver
A cheerful giver is expected out of every faithful Christian. This is doing God's will unto others as it is in heaven ...

A Child Was Born, According To Isaiah’s Prophesy
Now, although the song ends here, the next two verses also speak of Jesus and should also be spoken of and even sung as well ...

A Christian Lifestyle
A Christian lifestyle is different than wicked people in this world. Therefore, we are no longer partakers in their evil deeds ...

A Day Of Blowing The Trumpets
The Jewish people blow their trumpets as they enter the days of atonement. This was fulfilled with Jesus's death on the cross ...

A Deep Trust In God’s Protection
It is important to develop a deep trust in God's protection. Only then will we obtain an unwavering commitment to His commandments ...

A Divine Appointment From God
Each of us poured out our hearts to God. I thanked God for His mercy. I thanked the Lord for giving these people open hearts to talk to us ...

A Divine Encounter In Jerome, Idaho
As we trust in God and do His will, opportunities to serve Him and others will start to pop up. So allow the Spirit to lead you ...

A Double Portion Of The Holy Spirit
Only few people actually desire to have the Holy Spirit in them at all times. This is because people love their sin more than God ...

A Few Characteristics Of The Wicked
Because people don't care for God, they reject Jesus completely. Therefore, they don't do God's will and their are consequences ...

A Greater Tabernacle With Jesus
Jesus is our greater tabernacle for all mankind. Those who trust in the Lord are blessed in this life and the next ...

A Heart To Fear God And Keep His Commandments
Oh, that people would have a heart to fear God and keep His commandments in our time as in the past. This is God's desire for us ...

A Heavenly Army Was On Israel’s Side
We are asked by God to show love and compassion to our enemies, even though it may seem hard on the surface at first ...

A Holy, Righteous, And Pure Life
As Christians, we walk in holiness, purity, and righteousness, for God is with us. He makes us people who have high morals ...

A House Divided In Marriage
Only Jesus can help there to be peace and love in your home. Without Him, there is often contention and unnecessary grief ...

A Life For God Outside Of Church
To answer this question, you must first understand what it means to be saved. Jesus is our authority on this topic, and He said that unless a person is born of the Spirit they are not saved ...

A Life Of Vanity
Think about your life and what you have done and gained from it. Has everything brought you the happiness you were looking for? Now examine what you have enjoyed the most ...

A Life Restored Unto The Lord
Though I felt far from the Lord, I started looking to Him for relief. In all my shame, I came to God for mercy ...

A Member Of Christ’s Body
Every person's spiritual giftings are important in God's sight. What matters is if we use them for Him or not ...

A Message For Those Who Will Soon Pass Away
To any person who is suffering and on the verge of dying, if you are in Christ, there is paradise and a never-ending peace to come ...

A New Life In Christ
The reason why it is possible for us to live a different life is because the Lord God is working through us ...

A New Life In Christ Jesus
Allow Jesus to give you new life. Only He can give you the power to resist the devil. Through His hand, we receive eternal life ...

A Peculiar People And Treasure In God’s Eyes
Allow God to carry you on eagle's wings. Hear and obey His voice and you will become a peculiar treasure in His eyes ...

A Perfect Ending To Job’s Life
In humility, cry out to God for forgiveness and for wisdom. Then, think outside yourself and pray for friends and family also ...

A Renewed Life In Christ
When it comes to our new life in Christ, Paul described this new walk in great detail in Romans, chapter 7. How we are married to Christ when we believe in Him ...
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