Book of Mormon Contradictions

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"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8)
Book Of Mormon Contradicts The Bible
1Baptism In The Church B.C.
Book of Mormon: Baptism in the church before Jesus's birth; Mormonism: Baptism in the church before Jesus's birth; Bible: Baptisms in the church when Jesus came on the scene.
2Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation
Book of Mormon: Baptism is necessary for salvation; Mormonism: Baptism is necessary for salvation; Bible: We are saved through faith alone in Jesus.
3The Term Bible Was First Used B.C.
Book of Mormon: The term Bible was first used B.C.; Mormonism: The term Bible was first used B.C.; Bible: The Term Bible began in 360 A.D with the Canon.
4Christians Were In The Church B.C.
Book of Mormon: Christians were in the church B.C; Mormonism: Christians were in the church B.C; Bible: Christians were in the New Covenant Church
5Church Was Formed B.C.
Book of Mormon: Christ's Church was formed B.C.; Mormonism: Christ's Church was formed B.C; Bible: Christ's Church was formed around 33 A.D during the day of pentecost
6Different Jesus
Book of Mormon: Damned without baptism. Gentiles are not the lost sheep; Mormonism: Damned without baptism. Gentiles are not the lost sheep; Bible: Without faith in Jesus we are damned. Gentiles are the lost sheep.
7Gentiles Are Not The Lost Sheep
Book of Mormon: Gentiles are not the other sheep; Mormonism: Gentiles are not the other sheep; Bible: Gentiles are the other sheep.
8Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.
Book of Mormon: Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.; Mormonism: Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.; Bible: Giftings Of the Holy Spirit After Jesus's Ascension
9Jesus Atoned For Our Sins In The Garden
Book of Mormon: Jesus atoned for our sins in the garden and the cross; Mormonism: Jesus atoned for our sins in the garden and the cross; Bible: Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross.
10Jesus's Blood Covers Sins Before His Birth
Book of Mormon: Jesus's atoning blood covered people before His birth; Mormonism: Jesus's atoning blood covered people before His birth; Bible: Jesus's blood covers us through the cross.
11Jesus's Name In His Church's Name
Book of Mormon: Jesus's name has to be in His church's name; Mormonism: Jesus's name has to be in His church's name; Bible: Jesus's name does not have to be in His church's name.
12Jesus's Name Used Before His Birth
Book of Mormon: Jesus's name was used before His birth; Mormonism: Jesus's name was used before His birth; Bible: Jesus's name was not known before His birth.
13Jesus Was Born In Jerusalem
Book of Mormon: Jesus was born in Jerusalem; Mormonism: Jesus was born in Bethlehem; Bible: Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
14Melchizedek Had A Father And Mother
Book of Mormon: Melchizedek had an earthly father and mother; Mormonism: Melchizedek had an earthly father and mother; Bible: Melchizedek had no earthly father and mother.
15Only One True Church
Book of Mormon: There is only one true church; Mormonism: Their church is the only true church; Bible: Jesus is the one true church and we are His members.
16Priests Called To Preach The Gospel
Book of Mormon: Priests were called to preach the gospel; Mormonism: Priests are called to administer in their church; Bible: Priests were called to administer in God's tabernacle.
17Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph
Book of Mormon: Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph; Mormonism: Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph and Levi; Bible: Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Levi
18Saved After All We Can Do
Book of Mormon: By grace are we saved. & By grace are we saved, after all we can do; Mormonism: By grace are we saved, after all we can do; Bible: by grace are we saved through faith, not of works.
19A Son Of King Zedekiah Survived
Book of Mormon: A son of king Zedekiah survived; Mormonism: A son of king Zedekiah survived; Bible: All the sons of king Zedekiah were killed.
Book Of Mormon Contradicts Mormonism
1Blacks Are Cursed
Book of Mormon: People are cursed with black skin; Mormonism: God does not look upon the outward appearance, but the heart; Bible: God does not look upon the outward appearance, but the heart.
2The Father Is Spirit
Book of Mormon: The Father is Spirit; Mormonism: The Father has a body of flesh and bones; Bible: The Father is Spirit.
3God Is Unchangeable
Book of Mormon: God is unchangeable and has always been God; Mormonism: God is an exalted man. He wasn't always God; Bible: God is unchangeable and has always been God.
4The Lake Of Fire
Book of Mormon: The lake of fire equals never ending torment; Mormonism: The wicked can escape hell through baptisms for the dead; Bible: The lake of fire equals never ending torment.
5Oneness Theology
Book of Mormon: Oneness Theology: Jesus is the Father; Mormonism: Godhead. Three distinct Gods/Beings; Bible: Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God.
7Polygamy Is An Abomination
Book of Mormon: Polygamy is an abomination to God. Mormonism: Polygamy is justified in God's sight; Bible: Only one wife. Polygamy is wrong.
8The Trinity
Book of Mormon: Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God; Mormonism: Godhead. Three distinct Gods/Beings; Bible: Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God.
9Worship Jesus
Book of Mormon: Worship Jesus; Mormonism: Only worship the Father; Bible: Worship Jesus.
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